Those old hotms and new costumes, which barely improve them, have 4* hero base stats. How are they supposed to fight against OP S5 heroes, OP event heroes and even S4 heroes…
You need to put more hard work on old hotms, especially those with very week specials, such as Natalya.
The regular one is better imo. Because at least regular is sorcerer, you can focus on slowing mana on a single target once her talent procs. This one is 4% lower mana slow, with a talent that doesn’t compliment her skills at all.
All I see really on this (and similar) costumes is
- “we’re trying to get you to pay money for a slight stat boost on an older hero, all while planning to hand out similar stat boosts for free to already-bigger, recently-released heroes in the juggernaut Big Imbalance Update!!!”
side note: I’ve actually had some luck with Natalya tagging green (especially Slow) healers/ressers with the uncleansable burn/mana curse. She’s never going to keep pace with the “berjillion damage to all plus buff plus status ailmemt plus passive plus family bonus at 0.5 tiles” heroes, but I’ve found her useful in wars and the like, even if her non-costume artwork is pretty much all “porn sorceress”
I’m greatly disappointed with the visual design and abilities of C-Natalya.
This costume made me hold my legend coins for next time, thnx.
Then Natalya needed buff.
She DOT needs more aggressive by spreading that may make her beauty appears.
this costume compared to the two new journey heroes in beta is like comparing 3* with 5*
Thats not fair to Shrub, who in LB2 form is superior to many 5*s in LB2 form
apologies - that was meant as a more generic comparison, rather than a slight on your beloved bear. i’m just salty because i pulled this one and won’t have a hope in hell of the 2 new ones
Apology if this was asked before, when her damage only with DoT (burn)
What does “extra damage against Nature” mean ?
Like 40% more DoT for green ?
Eg. In LB2 , she does 1100 burn. Against green, is this number increased?
@PlayForFun from Costume Bonus increase, her burn @ 4/80 is now 1104 (and 1500 at LB2) – The OP has old number of 940
Thx, I will look at it, and fix the OP.
I have fixed the OP with the most recent balance update.
Does anyone out there have her double lb and master emblems? That fast speed extra nature cleanable seems pretty good.
I’ve argued, both upthread here, and on the Fated Summon thread that even bog-standard Natalya has her tactical uses, so having her juiced up and more survivable with her costume bonus would be nice (and indeed, cNatalya is on my Visiting Outfitter list, but it may be a few draws before I get to her).
It would be nice also if her “extra damage” was more than +20% (at least, that’s base Natalya’s “extra”, I don’t yet have her costume) but every bit still helps, and I also wouldn’t mind seeing her tricked-out card — assuming that folks haven’t avoided her because of limited resources and/or conventional wisdom about her.
Absolutely agree! I have her maxed because she was my first ever HotM from way back in the day. I haven’t used her in ages… I managed to pull her costume a couple of legends ago and still don’t see any use for her. But if she had spreading burn and mana debuff, that would be very interesting indeed!
Yes! As she is her special can be entirely blocked and is not an instant snipe of it isn’t. So spreading would be fair.
Agree. Especially since there is now an increasing number of heroes that resist burn or heroes from Nidavellir that get even boosted by such effect.