Costumed Leonidas (Toon Costume) - 5* Holy / Yellow from Season 1

I get your reasons, i typically try to discourage any spending on sub par cards so they know to do better, but if you guys get a benefit, please ignore me as im really wanting to focus on the people who are on the fense. By all means though, everyone should spend if it benefits them. I just want people to stop spending in portals for garbage so they stop making tenebrea and Xiamagwu (red old lady, i know its spelled wrong)

Can you post the talent path, please?

I’ve the same Leonidas.

Anyone have a list of total mats required for maxing all costumes to 2LB (not food, just 3* 4* AMs, 1LB and 2LB balls).

Check this post.


I’d like to emblem Leonidas. I think I will use 2nd and Toon costumes mainly. I wanted to pick attack > defense > health path, but I found out those two have different ways. Is there anyone who can share the full stack and the emblem path? Thanks!!

Toon and classic heroes shares the same class:

And this would be this from the ranger side:


Thanks so much!!!

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The worst synergy :rofl:
I wanted both ways in sword path

This is a hard decision to make.

I will likely use the 2nd (?) Costume more (the one with mana reduction for all) so should probably emblem for that, but the base version and toon share an emblem path, so efficiency suggests I should emblem for that instead; id be getting 2 optimized heroes instead of 1.

But i hate Toons and dont want to use a Toon version. So maybe it is still 1 optimized hero.

I really dont know.

Actually, on closer inspection; if you give the base/toon the sword path to make the most of their sniping ability, you are also giving the Ranger version the defensive path which makes them more tank-worthy (i lack any yellows that could fill this role). That works out well for me.

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That were exactly my thought when embleming him :v:
Works very well on attacks too!

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Was whooped in this tourney by a c2 Leo tank. Had the c3 bonus 1382-1327-2661. Ranger class with ailment immunity for the aether talent. Not sure if they’d gone all atk but it was impressive

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Ive took the base version to level 90.

Do I have to take the other costumes all to 90 to get the full benefit of the boosts?

For the aether talent to open up then ‘that’ costume needs to be 90’d.

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Costume bonusses should max out at 4.80 of every version. Luckily it’s within ascension materials range :grin:

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His Toon costume brought him back into the game, it’s awesome (one hit, one kill) and i want it!

I have him at 4/85 full sword path and it does more than 1200 damage in offense… Again à Dark hero it is more like 2000 damage. I dont want to imagine this in defense

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Guys in your opinion which version is better on defence, the secondary costume or the toon one ? Sword/shield Path for which version ?
Thanks you in Advance

Toon - sword

Passive is great!

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