No man, you need to look at the big picture as it is today. Heroes are doing insane things today, why would anyone want a hero that deals 50% damage to one character when there are wrecking balls like Farah who deal 200% damage to a dozen targets, or a character that hits the whole team for almost 350% damage and then heals their entire team for a % of the total damage? They are capable of destroying entire teams, i don’t think it is too much to ask to kill one character, put it at avg speed instead of fast but have it kill one character, or at least do enough damage to have him on life support. But a character who can hit a target twice and it is still alive is a useless character to me.
My point is the term sniper is a term that comes from the military, and those snipers jobs are to kill people with one shot. Most of what we are calling snipers are closer to infantrymen since they have to keep firing until the target dies.
I just don’t understand why people seem to love the weak characters who are difficult to win with more than the crazy strong characters. You can’t even say the word buff without some people getting into their emotions. They aren’t going to stop making crazy strong op characters, so why would you want some characters to be underpowered to battle those crazy strong characters? The only thing that makes sense to me is the people who love weak cards that you can’t win with, is because they have most of the crazy strong cards as well so they don’t want weak cards buffed to compete with the strong cards they already have. Some of us don’t have every card, so i constantly argue to buff the weak cards so they are all good.
565% damage with a non-emblemed attack power of 1223 with extra damage against Dark.
And 65% of that damage going back to healing. At least 75% of the time they will not take an ailment, lose their buff or have mana cut. I suggest you reevaluate everything you stated. These Toon heroes are really strong as well as the other costumes and base hero that they give insane power stats too with the 3x costume bonus.
I guess you have too, enjoy using your infantryman. Lol. What part of what i said did you disagree with? Do you think some new characters should be crazy op strong and others should just put some damage on one character? Shouldn’t all new characters be great like the top tier ones like farah? Or at least be able to compete with the top tier characters? Do you think toon costume Marjana can compete with Farah, or Shaal, or Shacklebolt
Agree to disagree, im not rethinking anything i said. One character will get some decent damage, beyond that it won’t effect the team very much. My point is new characters are decimating entire teams, why would i spend money to chase a toon costume when i can chase a character like Farrah or Shaal, who can destroy entire teams? Im saying they aren’t worth it because they don’t turn the entire game arround like many new characters will.
Im sure toons would be op if they came out 2 years ago, but with the way they have let power creep run wild, they just aren’t very impressive by comparison. I am sure all you guys who like them will slowly realize there are much better options out there.
Ok, we will see. Ive been wrong before. Ive been killing them with my team i use to complete daily achievements so i can only go by what ive seen. They just don’t usually put higher drop rates on cards that will rule the meta. I find that the better the card, the lower the drop rate, and these things are at 1.3 i believe. They are dropping crazy fast for me. I got both featured cards from 12 pulls i had saved up. I have a talent for pulling stuff i don’t want though.
Toon characters are great not because of their offensive abilities but because of their defensive ones.
They take hits like no other characters, so the big hitters you mention wont just whipe them out in one special. This paired with strong snipers like Sartana/Leonidas is a strong combo cause they will pick the opposing team apart one by one while they try to kill off the toon team.
But its a much different play style compared to the newer heroes, and I personally love it.
My def. team who has 3 toons stays above 3100 on its own so it seems to be working aswell
Well in theory that sounds great, but those characters are tearing through the toon characters who are on defense. Just saying it will go like that doesn’t make it true.
Im not trying to discourage anyone who got them. Im trying to discourage them from pulling in portals for meh cards like these. If we stop wasting money on the junk, they will start making more good cards. I fully understand anyone who pulled in the covenant portal, i just don’t understand spending money to pull in the costume portal as is. The few good uniforms i need aren’t even in the portal. No alfrike, no heimdall or lord loki, no hel, no good costumes at all. Even with bonuses and new stats, these cards won’t hold up against the monsters they are dropping. And those cards are already out, so now we need to deal with them, and snipers are not the way to do that.
I think it could be just an emotional response. Some players like my self have been waiting to get certain costumes like Marjana and Leo. When we get them is feels like pulling one of the top rated heroes. I know i felt like that when I recently pulled Marjana. So sometimes it not about best heroes or power. It’s what keeps you satisfied till your next coveting hero comes. BTW, c. Marjana and c. Leo are still very useful.
Raid is just one segment of this game. There are also tournaments, titans, towers, challenges, events,W3K and even war.You need more then one great hero to have superior team. S1 heroes are finally useful. Leonidas is great hero. Mana reduce is one of the best mechanism in this game. If you do not like him ok but for me he is amazing one.
I never said you couldn’t find a use for them, i was saying why are you guys excited about these cards that are much weaker than the current meta cards they are putting out. Your explenation did a lot to help me understand. Im a bit autistic at times, but i can see how you can get emotional about a card you kinda wanted for a long time, even if it isn’t going to be a card you can use a lot. I want alfrike costume, but it doesn’t look much better aside from the stat bump. I didn’t mean to insult a card you guys are motionally tied to, im only addressing how it will fare in the meta im in right now. It may not even ring true for your meta. If you are around 1400-1500 cups they may be able to win matches there. I leveled an obokan toon just to see, and he didn’t hold up where im at, so i was wanting to see if Marjana or leonidas were worth it because i pulled both. I always get the card i don’t want. I had 4 annubis and 3 salmon lokis at one point.
Both Marjana and Leo are generally used a lot by players because they offer useful utilities such as EDD/DD/mana cut, and those would be used more than nicher heroes such as the very slow speed Alfrike. I think it’s different for older players who would already have the original Marjana or Leo levelled up, because pulling C3 makes the stats so much better and it’s fast and easy to level up a costume (it does not require any 4* mats either). For other players who don’t already have the original levelled up, they might feel a similar way to you. I can understand where you’re coming from as I haven’t ascended either of these heroes, due to other more desirable options to level up. But if I already had them levelled, I would be so thrilled to pull their C3 and I’d even chase them. Particularly because these are probably the two best costumed S1 to have and they are featured together
I was looking at as a costume should brung an older character up to the level of new characters. A character that damages one player aren’t going to stack up against Farrah or Luna because they just don’t do enough. I can see your side though, im not saying it is bad to get them though, i pulled a few without trying so ill give them a shot, but if you look at it as making a totally useless character better to use in some instances it is a good thing. I just wouldn’t chase these toon ones because they should do more for me to justify chasing one.
If you compete in the 4* tournaments, the costume portal will bring you many of the most powerful 4s. Often much better than the event 4s.
Some of the 5* from the costume portal work well when you rely on synergy. They are also easy to pull duplicates for (even easier for the 4*s). I must have 5 or 6 c3-Marjana, not all upgraded yet. But every red team could do with one wearing costume 1.
Your point is valid, why not focus on trying to get the best new heroes? But, if you have well working synergy, getting better stats or Toon behaviour towards status ailments etc adds value to many rosters.
Finally, any ”failed” pull in the costume portal gives you a hero and one or more costume, good XP for upgrading ”good costumes”.
Hopefully this gives a bit of perspective on why some of us do some pulls in the costume portal.