C2 is better for defence. I have two Leos on LB2 - and I have tried all combinations.
I even converted 5* troops for toon - and made a mistake.
All sword for monk is all defense for Ranger.
@beg Take a look here above and see if you like it!
Does anyone have a picture of toon Leonardo 2LB, maxed master node with all costume bonuses applied? Want to see his stats before working on him! Thanks in advance!
Much appreciated! Nice stats!
Hi guys, do you think I should LB2 him regarding my roster ? (I have Vivica toon in yellow and 50 Éther).
The problem is that it costs more than a basic hero
If you have the resources to spare, I would! He would be one of your best heros!
Which path would you guys give the master emblems to? I went sword path for toon costume which is the defensive path for C2 ranger. Both costumes are useful but the master emblems are the same for both paths.
Sword for monk and sword with Master Emblems regardless of others paths.