Hi, I’m wondering how the mana reduction specials work (e.g. Leonidas, Chao, Gan Ju etc.).
My initial understanding was that the amount of mana reduced related to the progress of the target hero - by this I mean that if the target was exactly halfway to powering up their special, and I attacked with a Leonidas (“Reduces the mana of the target by 40%”) that would take the targets progress down to 30% ((1-0.4) x 0.5).
After using Leonidas and Chao against Ursena in the final Atlantis level (very effectively I might add) I’ve come to believe it is more literal and that if their mana progress is 50% a Leonidas will take it to 10% (0.5-0.4). This obviously makes Leonidas, Chao etc. better heroes than I first believed.
Does anyone know which of these is correct (or if I am completely wrong and its something I haven’t considered).