What prevents Poseidon's special skill

Question as written in topic.
I’m specially intrrested if Poseidon’s special skill stops mana cut from LotL’s Minions and if it protects Ludwig and nearby allies against let’s say eg Malosi.

Yes, it does to lotl minions. Also mana cut from challenge festival stage effects or s3 heroes dying. Basically heroes resist any mana messing around or special skills that prevent the usage of special skills - very useful going against Alfrike, Miki too. Great to prevent LepusC self inflicted mana -regen.

Not sure about malosi, don’t come across him often and theoretically they can still fire but just not with the desired effect if I understand the card correctly


Thx for your answer Feegle.
Because of his mana cut protection I tend to take him as my first choice from Fated Summon although there are other great choices which everyone else prefers, like Skadi, Ariel, Freya, Tarlak, Onatel… tough decision

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