šŸŽ­ Cel - 5* Ice / Blue from Carnival of Gods

No, cao cao is a lot better. As he has dispelling minions every turn which adds to the utility and his DU helps to makes those minions survive. I think they figured stoneskin is more superior so they just ended her skills like that. Which is why I said she is very powerful on game modes where you have more control, like map stages. On raids where anything can happen, not so much

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Yves, agree. As mentioned earlier, using Cel and you realize that stone skin is almost always gone when the enemy is ready to fire.
I donā€™t think increasing the speed is enough to save her, the stone skin mechanic as it is is not enough independently of slow or average.

I think they should open a balance tread for Cel. Not that I believe SG listen but anyway.

What was the resolution from beta testing?

Happy gaming

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Cel needs a buff. Maybe something like Sorrow 's minions, make damage when they are killed or reduce mana to all enemies by 5%. She is unfinished.


If they want to make her slow, it needs to be the updated gargoyle style stoneskin, where it is X number of times depending on the mana speed. And only once, refresh stoneskin is kind of a gimmick at this point. This will then justify her slow speed

Totally agree with this statement. Sheā€™s just a map hero at this point

Also she is druid for some reason and this just conflicts with what she is doing, especially when she has quite strong and superior minions


Lolā€¦ Not one paid employee thought she should be of any class other than DRUID is mind blowing. Thatā€™s the one class that actually works against her special skill. You canā€™t make this up.


Thats the problem, when such old hero is ALOT better, not just better and Cao Cao wasnt event HOT when he came out :slight_smile:

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I really donā€™t think sheā€™s that bad on defence though. FWIW, she is ā€˜versatileā€™ enough to be used on tank and flank I guess, and if your opponent is dumb enough to be using a conventional attacking team. A suicide tank so that she can add extra defences for the rest of the team. Flank if you have hachiko who gives riposte to all


All minions are basically strong vs conventional attacking teams :wink:

She needs extra skill or increase of speed to averageā€¦ no denying that, but we agree hereā€¦

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I can see her work together with Ludwig. As tank she is too passive and as support she is too slow.

She would at least need a priority cleanse just to be safe from Bera, minion counters would just play around her anyway.

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Again great artwork and nothing like special for so expensive hero and of course I got her, with her special she must be at least average, her minions itā€™s strong but this donā€™t mean absolutely nothing in this days of so much minion removers, if she has the ability her minions to be removed I will understand her slow sled but like this I really canā€™t understand it, another hero in my roster that will stay 1/1 forever :frowning:


ā€žIf the minion gets destroyed/removed, the caster gets 25% mana.ā€œ
ā€žall enemies receive 100% damageā€œ

Something like thisā€¦

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Itā€™s always fun having the only legendary you get be the one thatā€™s getting ā– ā– ā– ā–  on by everybody lol


I have now faced her a few times at tank and she is awful on defense. Just a tile dump hero against any anti minion hero. In fact, her minions at slow become a weakness because itā€™s so easy to time her special. Just let her summon her minions to be removed for extra effects since itā€™s nearly guaranteed your fast anti minion heroes will already be ready to fire.

To fix her, make her minions unremovable while in stone skin, so the other team has to at least blow a special before removing the minions.

Another option is make her average speed so she can at least be usable with a level 23 troop on offense.



Honestly though, what were they thinking when they assigned cel as druid. They canā€™t be serious if they think giving her druid balances her out. She needs all the help she can get at this point, and druid is the last talent class she needs to be in.
At least with druid summoners like Noor, she has her passive that may consistently give her the sparrow minions, so it doesnā€™t matter if sheā€™s druid. But cel, imagine working so hard to get to her slow golems, then immediately gets pushed away by some weak thorn minions
Give her barbarian, I donā€™t care. Just not druidā€¦
Itā€™s just one more headache to this heroā€™s flawed design :person_facepalming:t4:

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I dont see the problem? Please let me know :slight_smile:

If thorn minion spawns before golem, Cel gets stoneskin and its easier to protect golem with extra thorn minion hp, so ā€˜ā€˜stoneskinā€™ā€™ effect can reapply?

Where do you see the problem? :slight_smile:

Cel casting 3 times and thorn minion pushing one out?

If Cel cast her special 3 times with this slow speed this will be miracle.


On map stages I can see this as a problem. Literally any fart in the wind damage will trigger the thorns, which also destroys the stoneskin btw. I guess I count my blessings this is not S1 superior druids where they literally spawn thorns left and right
Also if Iā€™m going to use cel in raids, I would want another minion summoner to support her, a fast one like freya or frosth. Two minion summoners, with the druid talent, my own minions are going on a warzone rampage fighting for space. I canā€™t afford any thorns to disturb my golems and ravens

Just pulled a 2nd Cel. What do you think in one team ? Or is she in war attack also good to have 2?

Think some shameless money grabbers dangling the two holly heroes here. Keeping the top shelf stuff out of reach from the kids. Keep spending and maybe youā€™ll beet those odds.