🎭 Cel - 5* Ice / Blue from Carnival of Gods

Do not use that team though, Even I think that is a joke team. Because against bera they’re virtually useless

I got Elena and Isarnia early in my 15 coin pulls… Then finally the featured that I was after popped out

I like timing the minions. So you get a stoneskin every turn.


I just got her on my 23rd pull. I wanted Aradia instead but I am not complaining, cause odds wise I still did pretty good. I’m thinking Waterpipe’s minions being stacked with her beefy minions may work pretty well. Not against a good minion remover team, but still may be fun. I only have six scopes right now though and still need to go through Waterpipe, azurite, Cao cao, and Ariel with costume. Going to be a loooong time before I get to her I think

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I think she lacks direct damage or a kind of stack protection. For a slow minion summoner she does way too less in this current fast paced meta, even though her minions seem quite sturdy.

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I have issues with the entire minion heroes because there are too many way to get rid of them. Hence I agree that nowadays it must be others things that you get independent of the minions.

Maybe she can rather be paired with Sorrow? Then at least there is some pain to remove the minions. And if I remember correctly, Lunar doesn’t protect you to get damage if you take away Sorrows minion.

I have hard time to prioritize leveling this one beyond 3.70 …we will see how it develops.

Happy gaming

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I gotta admit though, stoneskin to all may still save your team before the minions are removed.

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But during my tests, as soon as any tile meet your heroes with stone skin, the stone skin is gone .
And the enemy need to move at least 5-7 tiles before firing, ao don’t count on everyone has stone akin when enemy ready to fire


That’s a good point as well, it would definitely be more of an advantage on offense than defense.

I suppose I’m also trying to find the brighter side to her as more than likely going to be my only good pull of this go round

It came out yesterday in a x10 that I did, have you tried it? It is incredible it gives a thousand turns to kalo and that I have it at 60 in the 2nd ascent

Slow. A dont have anything more to say.


I wish her minions gives us some boosted hp or maybe bypass any passiv (Lunar heroes). She is just a meat for my Xiaotu, not worthy unfortunatly :smirk::smirk::smirk:. Sad because stoneskin is amazing buff. And yes I know there are not so much Lunar heroes and so on :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. This is my third ice minion makere (Waterpipe who is amazing in attack, Sorrow who is also amazing in attack, can also sometimes go to defense team and now Cel who is SLOW) Why you do not make fiend, why minions, why?

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Amazing pull
Congratulations. I pulled 6 (10 pulls) yesterday got nothing. Not one 5 star anything. Then today i pulled 10 single pulls. Ended up with cel, jove and Fortuna plus the hom bonus. I was over the moon as i didn’t have any of these heroes.


Very nice pulls! Wow… that’s awesome congratulations :slightly_smiling_face:

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Would you take the 2% healing boost at node 8 just to get the health node at 9? Or go swords instead, I hate taking that healing node

Cels minions are based on her health. I would choose health every single node when leveling. She will be beefy in VF. Minions will be over 900. She will be better on Offense as just bringing a minion remover like Alucard will make her useless for defense unless the board is bad.

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Minions have a cap of 10000 hp so chose wisely

I would say since her minions have high attack, she would be better paired with Freya. Those two’s minions can rack up some nasty damage.
Also she is really good when paired with riposters. They reduce damage to 1 but still deals the entire damage back


This hero clearly lacks ONE SKIL! SG?

Compare CEL to MAX (Pets family) :

  • same speed
  • same HP/ attack minions
  • Cel has stoneskin, Max has dmg reduction
  • Cel has nothing else, Max also heals heavily! (40%+++)



No they don’t have the the same minion stats. Cel has 5% more hp while max has 5% more attack. I don’t have Max but he has the weaker damage reduction effect.
But yeah, I wish there was one more skill, she seems to be lacking one more as a slow hero. She should have been average speed if this was all she provided


5 - 5 = 0 :slight_smile: / attack hp diff marginal

Max extra healing = big diff

Cao Cao is in similar boat :
Weaker minions but with def boost (extra skill)

  • dispel vs stoneskin
  • 330% dmg to all (additional skill) which Cel is missing

Great would be also putting cel to average, like you proposed!