🎭 Cel - 5* Ice / Blue from Carnival of Gods

I summoned two also btw… not a game breaker but I’d stick with leveling just one unless you have other ice legend game breakers. Ascension materials are this games “control” and thus require a commitment that’s near modern day marriage level. Choose wisely. Always consider things in your own context and go with your research and a little gut instinct if that’s not working. How do you like to play the game?


Man I have one and not will max it because she don’t deserve the materials and you want to max 2 of her. Just remember that not every new hero it’s good, don’t give your materials only because the hero it’s new.


I believe / hope, Cel gets adressed in future balance change beacuse SG wish to keep flowing money into this new portal :slight_smile:
Cel literally lacks one skill or needs to be one speed faster

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We can hope that SG fix Cel but history say something else. They need one of this kind in every portal. That makes people actually spend more money.

Happy gaming

I play the game in a way with the heroes I have . Even giving 4s more love then 5s because those 4s have the specials which my 5s do not have . Btw. Cel gives Stoneskin to all. Do when het thorn minion cones that does not effect the other heroes

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Don’t expect to much from this stoneskin effect, he it’s removed even from dead tiles so and part of his special it’s just useless.

Has there ever been a case where a hero was buffed a short time after debut? If haven’t, please do it for Cel , please. She’s too useless with mana slow

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To be honest I am not sure if she will be good if they make her average, she are missing great hit to all (if she remain slow at least 350% for the new standards) or a good bost health (again if slow at least 600 HP to all), like this she will become from crap to decent hero.

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I vote to give Cel special 15% mana to all allies :slight_smile:

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Even better but SG never will make this, but I don’t know why this hero don’t have balance trade even before her release :sweat_smile:

All the replies lately are about how bad she is. In case you have her and maxed , maybe you (the ones who have her maxed) can tell how bad she is or … the opposite

Allthough they are not alike but shoukd I go for Lord Loki or Cel?

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I can’t see any situation I would recommend to level up Cel before Lord Loki.
In my opinion Cel is broken and not usable, after trying her at 3.70 in many different setups. It is absolutely not about her speed, I wouldn’t level her even if she was Average.
Stone skin disappears too soon and probably SG radically overrated that function.

At the end, take her to 3.70 and make your own experience.

Happy gaming


Thank you , unfortunately I will even put her after Bennu. And that is something I never expected to do.


Someone in my alliance has her 2LB and has her in his defense team which appears to be holding up (with her 1k HP minions). Maybe she has more utility after LB as she can stay alive? Anyway each to their own, I have two Cels but she’s very low priority in my queue :thinking:


Cao cao was buffed shortly after his debut. He used to deal extra damage to fire, but then they replace that with DU and simply made him hit harder

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That was fast. Just takes a big wallet. LOL

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It would be better if they increase the stone skin duration to 3 hits as she’s slow mana speed and change the minions to reapply this after 4 turns.

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Lol just to clarify that’s not my maxed Cel, I take forever to max a hero :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

At least they could give her some dispell or increase defense, attack abilities and make her a good support hero.