I corrected Ingolf’s SS according to this card, thanks @Gargon
If needed, you can reach me through Line : my ID is : nynaeve-mandragoran
I corrected Ingolf’s SS according to this card, thanks @Gargon
If needed, you can reach me through Line : my ID is : nynaeve-mandragoran
You are the best thankx again
No worries! Big project like that, you alone can´t possibly keep track of every little change in the game and every typo by yourself.
That´s why I thought the community can help out a bit, by at least reporting errors.
Nynaeve Sedai, any “errors” are clearly the work of the Dark One.
I suspect that one, or more, of the ravens in your cave may be spying for him.
(Yes, I know it shouldn’t have the dots )
@Nynaeve_alMeara One small contribution to your amazing & incredibly helpful site - Merlin’s mana speed is average (currently shows as fast on the site).
Thank you for this wonderful reference tool!
Hi @Nynaeve_alMeara , according to my reply above, from that time unfortunately, the powerbi web above stop running completely. Therefore, I decide to quickly create a simple web-app that can choose/filter heroes with specified attributes to complement your great website.
I am not a good web-app builder, so the website is not as beautiful as yours, but just to show a quick idea
thanks for your contribution for the EP Community @Ufeel
All Special Skills updated with the latest heroes :
You can now filter Innate Abilities and Innate Resistances :
Great website! By far the best effort I’ve seen.
I found 2 little mishaps:
Thanks a lot @yorkaturr
Thanks for the feedback : this is now fixed
Hi, noticed that Roughian & Nurgib has a mistake on their Element Link. Should be +5% chance instead of +80%
Thanks @Aksu , it’s now fixed
Updated with the November 2023 Balance Update
Updated with the November 2023 Balance Update 2.
Thank you Nynaeve for this amazing website!
Up to date with all Balance Updates until December 2023.
Thank you @Nynaeve_alMeara ! Appreciate all of the work you put into the site. It’s a great resource.
Updated with the January 2024 Balance Update.