[Catalog] The Raven's Cave - by Nynaeve

@Nynaeve_alMeara thanks my friend and happy you are okay :smile:


Bonjour Nynaeve. J’ai remarqué 2 erreurs pour des héros rares dans la ravenscave.

  • La vitesse de mana de Zarola
  • Les dégats de Skrekok

I have been stingy with my comments, even after you clearly stated not to do that.

But I appreciate your work very much.


Not much there lately…

darkness and shadows in my mind.

thank you all ^^


Do you need a light in there with you? Or perhaps someone to sit in the darkness with you, letting you know that you are not alone?

Your amazing catalog aside, as a human you are valued and appreciated.

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Awesome tool, great work!

When you work on February balance update, please check Browse heroes by → Family → Seasonal Events → Lunar New Year (no heroes and no family image, might be a typo somewhere)

Has anyone got the new Argos catalogue?

I’m not very sure that I will keep theravenscave up to date.

I suffer some trouble, and lately, people behaved very mean to me.

I clearly am a shadow warrior. but nevertheless… I still bleed.


Whether you update the cave or not, I’m sorry that they were mean to you. Even more so that you have been having a hard time.

As my grandfather would say-



I am so sorry to hear this @Nynaeve_alMeara. Whether you continue or not with the site, please know there are many like me who are extremely grateful to you & the time time you put your site, which has proven to be an incredibly valuable resource.

Life comes first and I wish you happiness. Let me just say thank you.


They don’t deserve you, never stop being who you are :wink:


Ne laisse personne te décourager j’ai toujours admirer ta personnalité et ton travail et tu es une très bonne personne ,prend les critiques comme boost :hugs:


Unfortunately you can pretty much count on people being mean online, I’m really sorry about that. I love your site, it’s very smooth and well organized.

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@Mad1max9 @Kvothe @MissK78 @Spartiate @sopclod

Thank you for your support! it makes my heart a little more confident, and really, deeply, thank you.

kisses and :heart:


I love your site @Nynaeve_alMeara and
Really appreciate all the work and effort you put into it. I can’t believe anybody would be mean to you merci beaucoup d’avoir créé une ressource aussi merveilleuse :blush::+1:

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All the work you’ve done has been amazing and I still routinely go to your site for assistance. I hope things have improved personally and I hope you know that every negative word that has come your way is not the voice of all. There are many more positives - even if they are not expressed.


Hope you are doing well @Nynaeve_alMeara
I still often use your site and recommend it to all my alliance friends. Such a fantastic tool.

Regardless of the site, I hope you are in a good place in life :+1:

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Came across your site for the first time today despite being on here for a while. Great work! And thanks for the resource. C’est tres bien fait!

and love the name. currently reading through the WoT series for the 3rd time!

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Your site is awesome, and I usually visit it , I completely agree with what @Badkins has said it , :slightly_smiling_face: . Hope you, are Fine , @Nynaeve :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hoping you are in a place both physically and mentally where the joys in life are shining the brightest for you. If you are in need of assistance please reach out! Take care of yourself…
There can be no darkness if you allow yourself to shine brightly. :sparkles: