Quick Start
Version 0.0.6 (28 Aug 2024) : 1167 Heroes
- 839 based heroes. 227 are costume1, 62 are costume2 and 39 are costume3.
Version 0.0.5 (18 July 2024) : 1139 Heroes
- 824 based heroes. 219 are costume1, 60 are costume2 and 36 are costume3.
Version 0.0.4 (24 June 2024) : 1115 Heroes
- 814 based heroes. 215 are costume1, 56 are costume2 and 30 are costume3.
- Update data from “June big balance update”. Forever thank to @ cvl_75 and @ elioty
Version 0.0.3 (28 May 2024) : 1092 Heroes
- 800 Based Heroes, 211 1st-Costumes, 54 2nd-Costumes, 27 3rd-costumes
- Approx. Emblem Power Calculation
- Secret Heroes & New Gargoyles Included
Version 0.0.2 (13 April 2024) : 1049 Heroes 772 Based Heroes, 201 1st-Costumes, 52 2nd-Costumes, 21 3rd-costumes
Version 0.0.1 (13 October 2023) : 666 Based Heroes, 172 1st-Costumes, 30 2nd-Costumes
Hi everybody, insprired by many great contributors here especially @ GDIBass, @ cvl_75 and @ Nynaeve_alMeara who create a beautiful website to organize all Heroes … Now the only missing feature is that we cannot filter heroes with there attributes (e.g. class, speed, special skills, etc.), I make a quick web app with the amazing HeroPlan data just for this job.
There are 2 hosts which you can play. These two hosts are free and can be stopped if nobody uses it for a while, and will be needed to restart manually.
Heroplan Explorer (Powered By Streamlit)
This is a simple Hero explorer on Empire & Puzzles that let you filter your interested heroes by class, speed, special skills and more!
Picture below shown an example when you want to see all heroes with are “Yellow (Holy), Barbarian with Hit-3 special skill” sorted by their power.
This repository applies the data for the amazing Heroplan contributed by E&P community. If you spot some errors, please contribute to the original Heroplan repo above, and this repo will be updated accordingly.
Beside basic categories that you can filter such as Class, Origin, Color and Speed, you can filter heroes with free-text with “Name”, “Special Skill Category” and “Special Skill Text”
“Special Skill Category” is manually defined by Heroplan community and may not be perfect, but it is quite comprehensive e.g. “Hit 1”, “Hit 3”, “Hit All”, “Cleanser”, “Dispeller”, “Healer”, “Resurrect”, etc. while “Special Skill Text” is what exactly written in the hero card. You can combine those two filters to get wanted results.
Example 2: Hero with average speed, deal some damages and is cleanser
Example 3: (Mobile screenshot – you can click filtering menu indicated by the red arrow) Hero with 2nd-costume who can Hit-all
Missing Features
As the original Heroplan data does not provide “passive” ability, we don’t have that information in this repo too← passive is now added, if there’s some information in HeroPlan