Can I shoot down Santa's sleigh?

Romulan or Klingon? ( see notes )

Have you tried restarting the app?

Where is Santa?

Both 2018, and 2019, Santa did not appear until the Holiday tree and the festive lights on the Stronghold building.

If I recall correctly, in 2018, the tree, and lights, appeared immediately. Edit: Looks like a video was posted 2018-12-01 ( see notes ).

If I recall correctly, in 2019, the tree, and lights, appeared closer to the weekend before Christmas. Edit: No tree in 2019.


Click for notes


16 minutes after first Sleigh. Same mechanics as dragon.


Looks like they removed the tree


YouTube video 2018-12-01


@JonahTheBard can you check the date stamp on this post

Dec '19 is not very helpful.


Dec 01 '19 12:19 PM


“WHAT is your name?”
“Captain Jean-Luc Picard.”
“WHAT is your quest?”
“I seek the Holy Grail.”
“What is the top velocity of a Bird of Prey?”
“Romulan or Klingon?”
“I… I don’t know AAAAAHHHHH!”
- Convention Button, Parody combining “Star Trek” & “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” (linky, linky)


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