☀ Azmia – Season 5 Hero – 4* Ice / Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

You do like counterattack :slight_smile:


It’s the only way I can beat the Towers lol

Azmia also gives overheal, and Ferant mana cut, so they get elevated ahead of Cyprian and Boril and Elena for example :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi @PlayForFun, the damage reduction for the second limit break (Aether Power) is not just status ailments, it is all damage. I’m guessing this changed from beta? It is the same for others with this Aether Power, for example Treevil. Best regards, Robert


@jwilsonsaid excellent observation thx !

I have fixed the Aether Power descripton for this hero and all other for the same power, and in the Master Discussion topic for Aether Powers too.


I’ve been considering a counter attack team with two azmia… Arco steropes and charon. Just let the defense kill itself… But… When i tried it earlier… Man… Getting to nine tiles was a damn chore.

I was wondering about this. I pulled a 2nd Azmia but debating if it is worth ascending. I don’t really use 1 much either, don’t know if putting 2 together makes a difference.

I do that fairly often with Azmia and Ferent, not 2 Azmia. Works well.


It will work best against hit 3 or all heroes with no annoying healers… Pengi can be hot swapped depending on what you need there…

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I rarely use 2 Azmia together, but I do keep 2 Azmia for the Tower events. I have a relatively shallow pool of overhealers, so Azmia’s overheal chance is crucial for me


I am not a fan of using 2 counterattackers in 1 team. 1 is usually enough to do what he does. Azmia at least doubles as a healer, so she is less of a burden on a team, but still. Counterattack is a great tool, but it comes at a cost to the team, so I suggest using it as a bonus not as your only strategy.
I like using a counterattacker together with a healer in the same color, but in Azmias case you have more options.

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I could see an interesting situation where I bring 2 Azmias flanking a Brynhild. Not sure what to fill the wings with, but it would be a team to counter some AoE defenses.

I have used quite a bit a team made up of healer - Sif -Prof Lidenbrock - Azmia - Waddles. It has been fairly successful, just that recently, because of encountering many defenses with a Hathor + Ludwig + Sobek and variations.

As such, a team with two counter-attackers and without enough fire power risks of leaving some of the enemies heroes alive and lose when the times runs out (as I did a couple of times).


2 snipers for cleanup. Since we´re building a 4 star team I would suggest Waddles.

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I tried this for a time on D with an 80 +20 Ferent - 75 +20 Brynhild - 80 +20 Azmia.

I thought it would work fairly well, but it didn’t. It rarely ever won. Maybe if Brynhild was 2LB, but that use along doesn’t warrant her getting this resources. My wings were snipers …. maybe Lianna and Seshat? Something like that.

Maybe it works in platinum or really low diamond, but in the 2400-2600 ish range it was getting smoked.



Yeah, I think it can work ok if the defense is full of AoE and few support or healers. But if your offensive heroes are killed, it’s not going to go that well.

Don’t have Waddles, but could use Merlin.

Good to know. Maybe it’s something I could try on a 4* raid tournament. But that means it’s probably not something I’m going to use resources on unless I really have nothing to work on.

I even tried it in a rush war too thinking the speed would kick it in faster. I got 1 shot like 3 or 4 times that war. MAYBE there was a bounce late.

2 riposters is great on offense though.


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My tank…


I’m thinking of doing her too. Have had no luck in pulling any other better defensive blue. How has she been for you these last couple of weeks?

I 2LB her and have no regrets. She does events, PvE, and diamonds raids with me no problem. She comes out every war too.


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Got this chick the other day … I also got sif aswell from FS … In offence im probably going to use both in war team … I run 3-1-1 the ones normally being healers .
Take it the heal can be sufficient … For a war …
Also me 4* blue is pretty bad i will level.