Atwood - 5* Nature / Green - Shadow hero from Secret Summon

i just think that, maybe dodge effects could prevent from friendly fire of “Insanity” and if there is more than one “secret” hero on both attacker and defender, game can be quite interesting.

Its “CHAOSE” time! :supervillain:

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If I could choose between the secret summon attention getter and the half dozen or so pop ups that flood your screen every time you start the game, I’d choose the secret summon mini flag every time.

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The only one missing IS hero power value, I got the rest from OP (thanks @PlayForFun [ I just saw that is written PlayForFur ?? :DD Edit: funny trim by browser , half of n looks like r ]). By the end of the day I will submit a made up number (1000 or 1111, just to remember to double check)


Ah. :man_facepalming:t2: Apologies! Thanks for what you do!

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Weird special. I guess he is better than Myztero. Would they let me trade Myztero for somebody else? He sits at lvl.70.

My alliance member pulled him and has him at 85.

Its insanity (pun intended).

Hard to counter when he is on defense due to the priority dispel, but on offense you essentially run the outcome

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It can be calculated with a formula, but it is 1031.

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What is the chance of pulling him, can’t find the info anywhere. He can be seen in the top100 raid list already at 2LB.

If you go to summoning odds you can see it there, it’s 0.1%.


The odds are 1 in 1,000

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Looks like the Aether Power has been changed too.

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Are you sure? Because from the description I have the impression that HoT will lower “Insanity” only in the first turn (“only once per cast”):

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Thx, I have added this section to the Changes from Beta section.

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As I recall these Heal over times are lowered the Insanity once per each turn, but someone who received this here can check, and confirm it.


HoT does indeed lower insanity each turn. Heroes like Professor Lidenbrock who heal and HoT would seem to be handy for this mechanic.


Why did rocket fiends go to his teammate


1:37 that was intresting, he backfired that damage to himself and 3 dancing enemies resisted possitive effect of Dodge because of that dance. So they evaded a chance to become more evasive xd. Strange mechanic works here: why would your heroes evade a possitive effect form enemy special? So it’s bad from the defender perspective.

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That’s exactly what I see

Can ©snow white get rid of insanity?

“Have i ever told you the definition of insanity?”

-Vaas Montenegro, FarCry3