Atwood - 5* Nature / Green - Shadow hero from Secret Summon

I’ve read insanity definition several times and I’m still confused. If anyone could explain it, in simpler terms - I’d appreciate it. I don’t think my brain is wanting to turn on today.


is it basically a new mindless attack that reverse the special skill (allies are enemies and enemies are allies)

insanity is actually a percentage chance of reversing the special skill of a hero.

once it is actually triggered and the special skill is reversed, the insanity goes away to 0% basically

as long as insanity is below 100%, you can choose to risk firing your hero or not. however, when it is at 100%, you can’t and the hero impacted by it will fire as soon as they are charged.

i tried to simplify it🤣

note: insanity can’t be reflected or blocked. it can be removed by healing (10 insanity per heal) and by triggering it.
that’s what i remember from the beta


I understand it much better now. Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to explain it :smiling_face:


Thank you for explaining


Is the pull rate for this hero of the day (HOTD) shared with the 1.3%?

Seems like a design fitting for a s4 hero :thinking: I was expecting something more “disturbing”, secret, shadowy, nightmarish. Instead here’s Fogg’s brother.


It tells me 0.1% chance to pull this secret hero. That’s ridiculously low, even for the low percentages (<1,3) we are used to from SG! :frowning:


If insanity hits 100, that means hero use special skill on himself. That means if you inflict enough insanity, the special skill of enemy hit himself and his other team mates (Actually im not even sure, how healing works in this case.)

This is just a high quality HOTM in my eyes. We may get it it with just single summon, and not may get it via thousands pull. Normally, a sane person should not chase this hero, lol. Frankly speaking i did not get a single alpha aether from MV yet or Myszterio from ToL yet. That should explain the odds from the perspective of 5+ years of player.

And if he were to be a fast, he might see a defense teams, but not with the average speed.

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These heroes are clearly inspired by the writings of HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos.
Insanity is a key feature of these stories, and games based on them, so it makes sense for it to be incorporated as a game mechanic here.


Does anyone have a screenshot of Atwood at 4-80? I can’t add him to if I don’t have all the values (or at least the power value at 4-80). Thank you.


I tihnk it seperate like how it is in the Tavern portal.
So now you can receive 3 heroes in a single pull.
(Hero from portal + Hotm + Secret hero)

Haven’t seen a screenshot, but the power values are at the top thanks to @PlayForFun :smiling_face:.


So if a secret summons ever lines up with Goblins or Astral Elves you stand a chance of pulling four heroes in a single pull. (Hero + bonus hero + hotm + secret hero)


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Yes, there you will able to get 4 heroes if you are extremly lucky :slight_smile:


Well, I woke up today and I’m still single. So things are looking good on the luck front! :joy:

The little :mag_right: family icon is fun. Reminds me of waiting for a battle back in the CoC days.

Ps- thanks for all that you do! :pray:t3:

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What portal can I pull for this guy cok?


Reading comprehension not one of your strong suit, eh?


The pop up secret summon is the new next most annoying thing. It’s like throwing an annoying flag in front of you. Pretty neurotic.


All of em’. These are HOTDs

Thanks for quick response