I have been switching Boril’s position around as part of me thought I needed a green tank but, yes, I really don’t have any greens strong enough. Who should I add in in place of Mel, do you think? Chao?
Potentially yeah
How about…
Chao / Caedmon / Boril / Li Xiu / Sonya …?
Chao and Li apart so attackers gain less advantage from stacking Purples… you also have 3 fast snipers, speed helps in bloody battle…
Sabina would have been nice for opposing colors versus your Yellows, but her heal is useless and dispel (in my opinion) isn’t so useful here (if this were buff booster I would reconsider).
Cheshire Cat I considered, but better IMO on offense than on defense…
Yes, C.Cat was on my reserve list too. Thought it might confuse a bit but, as you said, he’s best for offence and cleaning up war boards.
Thanks for that suggestion, looks good. Was a bit hung up about my lack of strong 4* greens (although I have a disproportionate number of 3 and 5) At least I’m now in a position where I do have a lot of fully maxed 4* of other colours to choose from.
Normally, Melendor would be a decent choice, at least. Just not in Bloody Battle.
At least your Little John is already at ascension wall
Nevertheless I chose her this week over Chao and Triton…all at 4.70+1.
I keep changing my mind about this but for now this is what I have…
I am thinking maybe 3 healers is too much for a defense? I was considering maybe removing Rigard (I know!! Outrageous!) and replacing with someone like Costume Tiburtus or maybe Grimm or Caedmon, or Hansel… I really don’t know haha
Here is my Roster - excluding 5*, 3*, 2* and Red
Just looked back on your choice. That’s a fun little line-up!
There are a number of cool little green 4* specials floating around. Hopefully I’ll pick one of those up at some point.
It’s a tricky one because Boril really encourages greens on attack as there’s no punishing it… Once they’ve punched that ghosting hole through the middle it’s plain sailing - green stack is neutral or better on everything else.
Li makes a decent tank too, but you don’t want CCat flanking and you don’t want Sabina at all, so that’s no better…
I like your approach to picking which hero’s to level, it’s great for attacking and completing challenges… It just makes defence less obvious
I quite like the thinking here with the exception of Sonya - yes fast helps and with costume she’s faster still…
But she’s still doubling up tank colour and a pillow hitter - far from ideal wing on both counts.
But since costume is in play (is costume maxed?) I’m actually thinking there’s an argument for tanking Li and flanking with Boril so you can flank Sonya’s costume…
In a tournament where attackers are likely to bring Buddy and Hansel/Peters, that cleanse could really come in handy.
Also from the POV that good defences punish bad boards, Li’s mana cut can really buy time whilst the double blue flanks encourage green stack - it’s not ideal, but at least those blues are particularly beefy by available blue standards…
It’s bloody battle - healing has no effect!
For me that’s too much passive at the best of times but especially this time!
Taking on board the other advice above I pretty much had those first four pinned down anyway. Just been taking a closer look at Grimm and Sonya’s stats and trying to decide on the fourth place. I agree with the question about too much blue.
Unfortunately I only recently started to level Sonya’s costume so it’s only reached 2-12. Just recently got the mats to ascent Triton to the final Tier so now am debating which one to focus my blues on. Might be able to speed her costume this week - although I’m not sure it’s worth it if my defence team’s going to be weak anyway.
Definitely plenty to ponder for the rest of today.
Thanks for your detailed reply.
Looking at your roster, if you’ve got the troops(!) I’d go:
Caed - Mist - Brynhild - LJ - Hansel.
Green is safe from strong (red) tiles.
Brynhild being rogue gets dodge and even without the healing the SS defence buff is nice and the mana gen buff is really nice.
LJ would need to flank, slows on wings don’t fire often enough.
If LJ fires whilst Mists effect is in play it’s over, hence her on other flank.
Caed dispel and Hansel to lock down any survivors make sense for left and right.
If you’ve got troops, I think this could be potent
LOL @notyou87 it’s Bloody Battle.
omg so it is
Let me rework it hahaha
I have no decent green tanks.
So I am thinking:
Costume Sonya / Mist / Caedmon / Little John / Hansel
TP = 3660
I agree with the recommendation of @BubblesUK … you can also try tanking with LJ depending on how you emblemed him. No reds so he should be able to fire. Moreover if he is flanked by Brynhild he gets defended and mana boosted.
I wouldn’t put him there without Brynhild, he’s too slow and will likely die without firing. Bloody is all about speed after all.
I’m thinking to go with this
Could Ceshire Cat with his undispellable poison, and Hansel with his mana control + sniping, both at fast speed, instead of Costumed Tibs and Caed, improve my Def? …my only doubt
Going with that. Gaderius isnt great even with healing but he should be sturdy enough to fire on most boards, providing his att buff to two heavy hitters. Triton and Proteus are great and add that family bonus goodness to Gad too. He’s going to be a tough nut to crack.
Only question: Peters instead of Caed? I thought Caeds dispel would be more reliable than Peters silence.
Could go either way on that…
Many of the potential buffers are off the table or unlikely to be used on attack - either because they’re also healers (c-Rigs, c-Mel, Kiril, Gad, Bryn) or because they’re reds (BT, Wilbur, Lancelot)…
That leaves Wu Kong (who could make an appearance in a yellow stack aimed at your Proteus, since yellow is all neutral or strong against you) or it leaves Boril/Cyprian, neither of which are particularly likely for tile colour reasons.
So TBH, Peters Vs Caed I could go either way on.