An Open Letter To The E&P Community

I will accept the change to “some users”

But you get that in every walk of life …

People will grasp freedom of speech and make protest (if allowed) …

2LB will arrive on 20th March and I think the majority of players will live with it and play on … I personally am going to wait it out to see what happens if lots of players use the “free” stuff to 2LB the big defence heroes and if that brings nerfs … it will also be interesting to see how these aether skills impact on middle players and middle alliances etc


For clarification the agreeance is on the fact we could not know the exact outcome of the individual players game due to the current levels of disparity that already exsist in the game .

Some may find the new implementation tolerable and others intolerable that is down to individual preference.
We the beta testers have unanimously agreed it will be a bad implementation for the masses if certain mechanisms were not changed before release.

Ultimately the buck lies with zynga /sgg and there ability to listen to us.

I would say have the beta testers ever lied or got it wrong ?


What was the beta testing reaction to 1LB? And non S1 costumes?

I did not partake in those tests so I cannot confirm or deny .

What I can tell you most definitely is that there are three distinct voices in beta like there are in -game , being top end middle ground and ftp .

Some testers may only see and test from their perspective and base all their feedback with a bias , but in my experience the majoriy do not have that tunnel vision, and do a splendid job of it .
Am I saying every decision perfect and the outcome is what everybody wants ? No I am not. I am saying the beta team on this server do a damn good job of finding balance for all .


I would say that beta testers have never lied. But I would say it is super unlikely that they have never gotten anything wrong.


Not sure it matters if beta likes, dislikes or anything in between, if the consensus is ignored

Good on you, for trying to be heard:


I would liken beta to battles and wars, with new heroes being battles and new implementations being wars, as in the current case of 2lb .

We win battles easier than we do the wars, due to backend cost of the new implementation, but any nudge or middle ground found towards our way of thinking within these wars, is a win for the playerbase however how small.

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I might be a sample size of 1 but I probabely have 25k+ raids under my belt which is a lot bigger than 1! :smile:

Impressive. 25,000 raids is 12/day every day for 5.7 years. I hope you’re getting some sunshine.


Honestly, I think it’s fairly given that when I say people, I don’t mean 100% of the people. Are we really going to be that pedantic in that every time we (that is some of us), say players have to specify that it’s only a certain subset of players? That means that some players are looking forward to LB2, and that some aren’t.

I don’t criticize things until they happen, and frankly, Beta players judgement can’t be trusted. They said Queen Gworang (sp?) was gonna be OP, she’s not. They said Milady de Winter was gonna be OP, she’s not. So I take their opinion with a grain of salt and I’ll wait for it to be released to decide how I feel about it.

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Thank you.
The thing I can say for sure is that right now I have 21056 raid wins.
Estimating a win% of about 70-80% lead to the estimated total number of raid attacks. :slight_smile:
I play around 2-3 hours a day.

Well it seems people are voicing lots of different opinions here about the direction of the game and their own fate in it… so here’s mine…
I intend to play until it is no longer fun for me and then I will stop playing. Thank you for listening.
Enjoy the remainder of your day!


If SG decide to go down this path I would hope for three more things, which I think are not unreasonable:

  1. More free coins for pulls, through new campaigns

  2. More LB1s, through quests

  3. Reset token for LB1

Then i would call it even and likely keep playing

I don’t think this is the end of the game (famous last words)

The game needs to introduce more things for the whales and i guess this is their way of doing it

Not saying i like it by the way…


This is my last year on this game. So I’m trying to enjoy before I definitely leave E&P, but it’s difficult due to Zynga/SGG/Take Two new rules :sweat_smile:


so you support free speech, but only when it will actually change things? oh, how lovely, then if we don’t have power to change things we might as well not talk. so if we don’t like something, we should just keep quiet. wow, so much for supporting free speech :roll_eyes: :joy: :sweat_smile:

whatever, here you are accusing others of changing the goal posts, and you change them yourself. tsk, tsk, and tsk. have fun contradicting yourself, then.


Where have I said, I support FS when it changes things…. :man_facepalming:t2::rofl::man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t associate with noise & all 2LB talk is noise for me … becoz

  • Hero stats will increase…. No matter what…… In case you missed, see the season 1 & 2 stats v/s season 5…… :wink:…. See the C2 stats of season-1…
    I have more important points to highlight, which I have written,
    in your HURRY to somehow anyhow blame me for NOT agreeing to your one “2LB” point which is fair but not my priority…you have over-looked the points I have mentioned as my focus areas of expectations from SG !

BTW, my mentioned points will help you & all players way more than the anti-2LB agitation being done on this thread :wink::smiling_imp:

On the point of Beta-Testers (BTs), since I am one…. Few realities as I see things….

  • They are players who are using / playing with whatever is being tested & share their views / experiences. That’s it… !

  • SG / game picks various factors from BTs simply playing the game ….whether they give any written feedback or not…. There have been times when I haven’t written a word but played a lot using different heroes, combos, scenarios, etc etc. I m sure the game APP & software picks-up all details.

  • BTs joining the agitations or not is a personal choice, just like any player chooses to engage or not. I follow my understanding as a player & take up points, discussions, etc….accordingly.

Example :
The soul exchange Milena v/s Hatter position of mine was no great rocket science…. It was ONLY to communicate what I saw / experienced of things to come via Beta experience.

  • Many players questioned why I rated Hatter higher than Milena. Some sent DMs, though pro-Hatter DMs were way more….
  • Now that the dust has settled, I have had pro-Milena fellows & some who also took Milena sharing their regrets…. For that decision.

I see BT as a fun experience of playing with heroes I might never get….& don’t hold pro- anybody position,
Don’t agree with BTs being called out for SG decisions.

Belittling BTs or testing process is also futile, which I m sure is easy to understand… why !!

  • Best to keep BTs out of such agitations / discussions….as they have no role to play, outside of testing.


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You don’t say

You are playing a role right now! In this… "futile" topic. Anyone in beta can still have a role outside of it…

Players are agitated with imbalances such as passives. Now there will be passives on top of heroes being released with multiple passives…
All these passives do not add to the gameplay of connecting tiles. They take away from it…

Other players are agitated with having to grind more and more on the same heroes over and over. Now we add more grind. That you have to pull in a portal for…

There’s plenty to be agitated about here.

We should just shut up though…
Because it’s futile.

How brave…


You will crib & search to scrap out something or anything to just write something -anything, to me, here🤣

How come you forgot that I am an active player who is also BT & not the other way around😀

  • So I can play a role in any thread…. Unless, you are in-charge of deciding where I can express or not🤣 (you wish)!
  • I don’t waste my energy on the obvious & have explained above the WHY ….also have shared what are priority issues for me…. Which I am sure you have read, bcoz, you haven’t scrapped out something to write about those points !

Now, you may go up, again & re-read my points….:wink: ….maybe, you might understand them better !



Or this?

The only one I have disagreed with
Is the latter

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