ALLIANCE WARS....... Frustrating, Boring & definately unrewarding

Is there a complete description (in easy to understand/non-computer speak terms) of matching currently used? Our alliance has questions and co-leader and myself dont know the answers. A for instance would be the top 30 heroes on roster. I have gotten three 5s recently but since it’s a relatively young team, feeding has been to mostly 3&4. If 5s are counted in 30, at their tier1 lvl1 status or what they will be in the future?
I looked in forum before bothering y’all but there’s so many different topics…


It is possible thatby now the data available to repair the matching system is not so reliable, due to members of alliances not bothering to participate. Hopefully when the individual opt out is implemented, that data will be useful again.

I’m not sure how well I’ve stayed up with all the status updates :smiley:
But I think the answer is yes. They are currently looking at the top 30 heroes in each roster, with some added weight to top 5.

I’ve had the same question though and its still not answered. Is an unlevelled 5 star considered the same power as a fully levelled one? If so, that would certainly create a bad match up.

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We understand that, with the top 5 being given more weight. That doesn’t answer our money question on unascended 4/5* heroes on players roster. Are they valued at actual or ascended? If opponent and I have identical heroes are they scored the same if his are fully leveled but mine arent?

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At actual. Otherwise every paying alliance would be facing 7DD.

But notice that even at unleveled their power is on par with a max lvl 3*, so they do pump up ypur total power somewhat.

Right…we get that. Just trying to confirm complete eval of roster. We can more or less stay close until 2nd half…then annihilation due lack of bench depth.
Is there a complete explanation from devs on here? Not the short version from update notes. Want to post for members in chat app.

I still have a few unleveled 3s. Need them to make 30 but focused on 4/5s.
We definitely get beat the 2nd half of war. Score **usually ** pretty close until then.
Would be a help to compare roster strength ,since that’s how were matched, when picking opponents.

Aleph Null is boycotting the upcoming alliance war. You should too.

Seven Days Fermented is a bit of corner case because it is so much stronger than most alliances with the same amount of members. There simply are no other alliances of the same size that are good enough to fight them. We’ve tested allowing bigger differences in member counts, but that results in more uneven matches for most of the alliances.

As I said in a different post, July is a bit challenging month because so many of us (including me) are on vacation. We are still testing things, but can’t make bigger changes. I was really hoping we could have made a more measurable improvement before that.

Things we have been working on right now:

  • Further AB tests using the current logic
  • Fix for the alliance level opt-out

Things hopefully released early August:

  • Personal opt-out support
  • Smaller iterations to the current logic

Things we are discussing:

  • Implement ELO ranking which was the long term plan anyway. As I said elsewhere, we still needed some heuristic to seed the rank, and that’s why we started with what we have.
  • Various bigger changes to the current logic, possibly still combined with ELO ranking.

Thanks for the update @mhalttu. This has got to be as frustrating for you as it is for us.

Thanks for taking time to answer. My original question still stands regarding a description of logic being used so that we can better explain to our alliance. Majority of members are 90 days or so into game. So we get slaughtered after 1st round as heroes only get weaker as it goes.
This is why I asked for an easy to understand explanation particularly regarding each players 30 heroes.
Since we only see posted defense strength, its very hard to agree that these 2nd half blow out matches are selected to be fairly matched.
Thanks again.


Can someone clarify ELO for me, please?

Then I can add it to the Fictionary :wink:

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It’s a comparitive scoring system. Raiding trophies already use it.

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Thanks. Very prompt :blush:

It’s been posted elsewhere but to summarize: we calculate the team power of the top 30 heroes of a player and sum them together. We give extra weight to the top five heroes with the simplistic assumption that they will be used as the defense team. Then we sum those numbers together for every member of the alliance. That’s it.

If you tell the name of your alliance and the date of the absolute worst match you’ve had, I can check it out later in case it offers some new insight to us.


Sure…anything that helps…will pull our history and forward.

If in 9 months you can’t get a team at 3000 you are playing wrong or don’t play a lot. I made a 3000 team in 40 days as f2p.

Se em 9 meses você não conseguiu um time em 3000, ou joga pouco ou joga errado. Em 40 dias fiz o meu primeiro time em 3000 sem gastar nada.

Looks like today will be the worst yet. Usually can still be somewhat close until regen.

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because I need to get out heroes I give you a yellow example the best I have and Bane and red and Nashgar who are heroes of 3 stars, then I had to wait 3 months to ascend Rigard and 2 to ascend zeline and Grimm So do not miracles friend, wars do not give a thing.