Alliance War chat with Opponents

If you think about this for a minute, you’ll realize this will create many more problems than it will solve.

My alliance has encountered more than our share of unsavory characters in the game as it is - we’ve been spied on and, most recently, sabotaged by a titan tourist - a repeat visitor who decided that he didn’t like being kicked, so joined again just before war matchmaking and left just after, but not without posting an extended screed about how dare we kick him and he hopes we lose the war (fortunately, we didn’t).

Imagine if you gave clowns like them the ability to trash talk and intimidate their opponents in an alliance war. SGG would have to hire a dozen new people just to deal with the abuse reports.

And before anyone chimes in with “Go for invite only”, yeah, I know - but invite-only makes your alliance seem cliquey and unwelcoming.

There’s a bunch of real Richards out there, and not just in the hero rosters.