4* Dining -- Roster Filled with Apathy


I’ve come to the conclusion that 2 of any 4* is plenty.

I’ve got duplicates of 4* that are just… collecting dust and so many 5* I would prioritize over these.

Sir Lancelot
Gafar (Actually maxed 2, this is copy 3)
Cheshire Cat
Captain of Diamonds
Guardian Falcon

Any downside to eating these? I feel like I’ll never get to them. I’ve already got the first copies maxed, along with a host of other 4* options of all colors.

Current roster is sitting at 133/155. No real reason other than housekeeping that I want to get rid of these.

I think one C. of Diamonds is definitely enough. Gobbler exists if you want to trash more food- erm, a different hero that destroys minions. :wink:


I just ate my only gobbler.

Was keeping my second copy of Captain for war in case there were abundant minions… but i end up just using my 5* to kill everything…

ok… one down the hatch.

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I wouldn’t feed Peters. I wish I have six of them. I would take one in every attack team when I encounter blue tanks.


I only have 1 copy of each 4*. I currently have enough 5* maxed that I only use the 4s in tournaments or mono stacks, unless they’re really niche heroes.

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You appear to have a deeper bench than I do and I dont really see any value in keeping these dupes other than lancelot and maybe Falcon or Peter’s. Maybe the sand heros, just because you have yunan and will probably never have a need to pull on that event unless they add heros.

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I’d keep Jabbar in hope he gets buffed one day. Well, that’s what I wish to happen having 3 copies :sweat_smile: and I wouldn’t dare to feed away Buddy but if your green roster is satisfying enough then just get rid of him and the rest as well. I think there’s a limited use for 4* also with the upcoming hero academy. Getting rid of place holders is just fine

I’d keep Peters and feed the rest

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Sir Lancelot
You could always run a double of these in the mid left and mid right to effect the whole field.

Having a second Buddy is always good. Minions and attack down? Cannot go wrong with the tanky Santa’s helper. :sunglasses:

Gafar (Actually maxed 2, this is copy 3)
I say two Gafars are enough imo. Especially since you have two Jabbars as well.

Cheshire Cat
I say max the 2nd kitty for more chaos.

One is plenty. You can feed her to whoever else.

Having two heroes who can silence is plenty awesome.

Captain of Diamonds
Unless you are forming a team specifically for minions, I wouldn’t keep a dupe of Cpt of Diamonds.

Guardian Falcon
Having another fire debuffer would be awesome to have.

I would keep two of him because he is tanky and can block healing.

I would consider whether you would care if it turns out that Hero Academy has a use for duplicate heroes.

It might not, but the possibility of it having one is why a lot of us have held onto duplicates, since roster space is cheaper than regret — and you’ve currently still got room to spare anyway.