⚔ [29 Oct 2023] - 236th Raid Tournament - 4* Bloody Battle, All Elements

Offence: 13-7
Defence: A

Really, really annoying to lose all the time because of the massive gap in stats between LB1 and LB2. It’s beyond my ability to understand how everyone and I do mean everyone has a 2LB lvl 80 defence even when their regular defence teams are in the lower diamond range or sometimes even lower. How can people afford the aethers to 2LB every epic hero in their roster? Are they not fighting in alliance wars or what’s the deal?

If I spend some gems I can probably pull this off and end up in the top 5% as usual, but it’s not fun anymore.

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Quest for perfection ended in the first match of Day 4. Faced a defense of Caedmon - Gormek - c2Li Xiu - c2Cyprian - cKelile. Used my 3 Purple attack and actually got a good board. But the 3 Druids kept pumping out minions and I couldn’t get my cSonya charged up frequently enough to deal with cKelile’s fire damage. Went into overtime with my cSonya and Caedmon facing the opposing wings, and just failed to kill cKelile.

Won the next 2, and then got my worst board in the 4th match against a c2Caedmon - cGrimm - Caedmon - c2Grimm - Waddles team. Went with my Green team and had no chance. Zero points.

Almost lost the last one as well against a c2Li Xiu tank, but this time my Druids were the ones who had lots of minions on them.

Defense dropped to D overnight but is back up to C at the moment.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 2-1 A 3,593 900 4,493
2 10-0 5-5 B 8,204 650 8,854
3 15-0 6-10 D 12,587 400 12,987
4 18-2 7-10 C 15,766 15,766

Good luck to those still in this!


I don’t know what changed in my game, but I went from dramatic Wednesdays to tragic Thursdays… :thinking:
Nothing was going well for me today: not the tournament, not the League, not the usual raids. I should definitely be happy with the result 3-2, because it could have been much worse… :confused:
Fortunately, the overall score of 17-3 does not eliminate me from the tournament yet, and my defense is doing a solid job again and with the score of 19-4 I am firmly in the A rating :wink:

Good luck everyone :muscle:


It’s important to note that most people don’t pour a lot of money into this game. As a result, they don’t have many 5* OP heroes worth breaking, and a strong “4” after breaking significantly strengthens their not very rich hero list. That’s why I’ve been making LB2 only on 4* cards for a long time :wink:
They then have strength comparable to 5* LB1, and their special abilities can be really good :slight_smile:

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Hi! I am here for another badge! :smiling_face: @Dudeious.Maximus Thank you!


It was difficult, but I managed to survive until the end of the tournament. With a defense 20-4, I can safely wait for the loot for the top 1% :slight_smile:

Congratulations to @Kerberusz !


Final results

O : 22-3 [4-5-4-4-5]
D : 14-8 [A-B-C-A]

My Defense :

Mielikki even uncostumed is still strong on defense.

Long time I have not reached a top 1% in a tourney.

Good luck everyone !


I decided to play a little agressive, minion based defense set up. Here is my defense;

Did not consider putting Mielikki, because red is not restricted and it would be easy to counter her by C1-Gormek.

Faced the trio of c2Cyprian, c2Li Xiu, and c2Caedmon in 4 of the 5 matches today. Tried a new 3 Yellow attack of cSonya - Waddles - c2LX - Anastasia - Caedmon. Worked so well that I wonder why I didn’t use it earlier :sweat_smile:

Granted that the boards were on the good side, and the ones that weren’t, the 2 Druids in the wings generated enough minions to survive and win even with the middle 3 dead.

Defense has also recovered from Day 3’s D ranking to be at 14-12 (B). An easy top 1% without needing buyback. Can’t complain about that with my 4* roster.

Good luck with your last attacks and with the loot tomorrow :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:


Day 3-5

O : 15-0 (24-1)

Another 24-1 for me again :joy:

Overall, CB Kvasir seem to have huge impact against enemy super druid. He make the game much easier when your super druid can summon minion but enemy super druid can’t :smile:.

D : 16-3

With this result, I am at the top of the leaderboard for now. Another leaderboard without medal again :joy:.


Woop congrats on another 25/0 :green_heart: :tada:


I went 1-2 today, got knocked out, but bought back in because it’s the last day and used my last 2 flags, won both, so total today I went 3-2

O: 21-4
D: E, E, E, E, E :rofl:


I finished a tournament again without getting knocked out! It doesn’t happen very often to me :smiley:

22-3 on offense, C defense, top 5% for now

I don’t have any LB2 heroes (yet), and I haven’t maxed my 3 star troops - maybe that and the C defense will keep me from top 1%

I changed my attack team each match, but after a while I settled into c2 Li Xiu, c1 Kelile (with double costume bonus), and then I stacked three strong against the tank. For a purple tank, I added Hansel.

I am not sure how I was able to beat full teams of LB2 heroes with 3-1-1 teams instead of mono or a 4-1 stack. I guess I had reasonably good boards, then c1 Kelile is awesome, and who knows what else!


Managed a 25-0.



Final results

O : 22-3
D : 16-8

Loot & Score

Loot is okey :smiley:


Main: top 1%

Defense: A/B: Scoratek - cKelile - cSonya - c2 Li Xiu - Meadow
Attacking team: Scoratek - c2 Li Xiu - cChao - cKelile - Sonya/cSonya


Alt: top 25%
Clearly no Li Xiu here, but at least 1 aether :stuck_out_tongue:


Second alt: top 1%

Defense: A/B: Captain Caro - c2 Li Xiu - Mielikki - cGormek - cChao
Attacking team: Hansel - c2 Li Xiu - cChao - cGormek - Mielikki



Final results
Attack : 23-2 (55535)
Defense : 15-13 (ABDBB)
Score : 20,789
Ranking : 1,531 (Top 1%)

After a couple of down weeks, back into top 1%. 4* tournaments are tough as my LB2 heroes are for Events and not suited for PvP, especially Bloody Battles. Happy with the attack performance. Double costumed heroes, even at level 70 and 75, are strong enough to last long and overcome bad starting boards.

Apart from a blip on Day 3, defense did well too.

Loot was pretty good, with EHT, reset emblem, and 100 Fighter emblems.

Another 4* tournament next week - Buff, no Blue. Too bad I won’t be able to level Goldie up on time. See you!


Score : Leaderboard
Rank : :smiling_imp:
Loot : Top 1%

Pretty average top 1% loot but at least it is paladin emblem which I another emblem that I need.


I was on correct side of Gauss Curve for once, regarding the rewards.