⚔ [29 Jan, 2023] - 197th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, All Elements

Hi there Steve :wave:

With these Rush Tournaments, you are more often than not fighting the board, more so than anything else. It´s almost a guarantee, that the tank will go off at least once (though, now it´s an All Element Tournament, you can be in luck and fire a good line of tiles towards the tank and they might die without firing, fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: )

As you haven´t got many heroes levelled up yet, I think your setup makes sense. I tend to run healerless during these Rush Tournaments, but each to their own.

If I were you, I might consider to try to level up my heroes more equally, meaning- keep them all at a fixed amount of power, so that matchmaking is more kind towards you.

It takes your strongest heroes into consideration (not just the ones in your Defense), so that means, if you got fully LBed and Emblemmed heroes, you might struggle facing such an opponent yourself, given that most of your heroes are not quite at that level yet. Does that make sense? :slight_smile: (I might be all sorts of wrong here, it´s just, what I would do :blush: )

I would level up a good chunk of your heroes, just to their max level 50, and then move onto the next, until I would have, perhaps at least 3 in each colour available to pick from in tournaments. That can help you greatly along. :slight_smile:

Either way!

CMnesseus - Maeve - Gunnar - Nashgar - Bane

…is what I would do, I think since these are all levelled up. I worry Waqas might be too fragile to live until he fires in his current state? You can bring Maeve to 50 before tomorrow, I´d say? :pray:

It might be a while, before these Tournaments are not overwhelming. It took me a good while too. I try to remember, ‘only to compare with myself, and only with yesterday’. :butterfly:

PS. If you are struggling to get responses and advice across the forum, you are always most welcome to check in over here: The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 2) :wave: :sailboat:

Good luck! :four_leaf_clover: :slight_smile:


High five great minds think alike! :grin:

Though I did cave in and actually emblemed cHawkmoon and Bauchan to +20 at some point, mainly to make 3* rush slightly less frustrating.

But otherwise I completely agree, don’t have enough emblems or aethers to go around as is, so 3* are at the bottom of the priority list.

I did level up my troops somewhat though (I see you did the same :face_with_monocle:) since 2* troops are cheap and fast to level, and offer permanent stat increases. Plus the 1* troops need to go somewhere

As for this tourney, probably gonna go with this defense:

Treevil overload I know, but I wasted all those 1* feeders leveling 3 copies and now I demand my return on investment!


Gonna roll with this one


Zarel will be 55 by this evening.

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I’m going here. Basil is a question mark. Also stuck between Faiez and Rekhetre. Could go with a second tree instead of basil.

Good advice, thank you. Got Maeve up, will go with what you suggested. Will work on Faiez, Poppy, Noril, Waqas, and Rek soon.

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Also, big fan of the FTP rebellion, just thought this would be more in place here.

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I see everyone is going with Treevil. Should be a fun week. Maybe Zarel will limit the number of multiple Treevil teams?

Going with this, since I finally got Zarel’s skill maxed (one free slot makes for very annoying 3* levelling)


I’m down to three and that is bad. One would be miserable

I completely understand - I would post it here too - it just seems that it generates very few responses these days - people mostly just post their own teams instead of offering advice. But you never know :magic_wand::pray:

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Day 1

O : 5-0

Go with Faiez - Shrubbear - x2 Treevil - C/CB Tyrum or Rekhetre or C Oberon against non-Treevil tank and C Gunnar - x3 C Ulmer - C Ulmer or Joukahainen against Treevil tank. Face many Treevil since day 1 :joy:. Also face @TheBudMan69 defense :smile:

Luckily, I get 6 blue tile before the Treevil tank fire and I win :smile:. Other attack is average too pretty good board. Win without much problem :slightly_smiling_face:.

D : 6-2

Get more lose than I expect but still A+ grade :slightly_smiling_face:.


Testing a couple of new heroes in the roster this week in Zarel and Kinsaishi. Usually I won’t use a charge hero in Rush, but he’s a monk so can take advantage of Zarel’s Bard bonus. Will know by the end of the week if his first charge skill is good enough.

Attacked with 3-1-1 stacking against the tank. Zarel and Kinsaishi were in all to see how effective they are. So far so good. Only one loss against a Treevil tank. Went with Rekhetre - 2 Kinsaishis + Zarel - cTyrum. Treevil fired but I got cTyrum charged to cleanse. Killed the tree with tiles but the flank Sally fired. Never managed to get Rekhetre charged to heal.

Won against another Treevil tank later with the same lineup. Might try Helo tomorrow instead of cTyrum since he’s a Druid with the 4% node.

Defense hasn’t been attacked yet as per usual it seems.

Good luck everyone!


3 Treevil Tanks in a row.

day 1
O: 3-2
D: 0-0

This kind of thing truly is boring when it’s against the same teams or at least tanks and flanks constantly.


Defense team:

I’m low level (23) but can finally start to compete.

D: 5-2 for an A
O: 3-2

Lost against Treevil and Kvasir tank

Almost have my Treevil maxed then will LB and emblem. Same with Waqas

Don’t have a deep roster yet but slowly getting there. If I make top 25% in my first tourney I’ll be happy :blush: Right now in top 50% w/ x1706


Tbh I’m actually finding Treevil to be worse than Alfrike in 5* rush lol

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Please bring a dispeller when you face this team.

The voice of experience (who happens to be 4-1)


Day 1
O: 3-2
D: 0-0 (C)

Day 2
O: 4-1
D: 0-0 (C)

O: 7-3
D: 0-0 (C, C)

Only 1 Treevil tank today but I did face him twice as Wing, but managed to win both of those.
The one that I lost was actually not because of Treevil though, it was Treevil AND Dawn as his flank. Treevil went off twice, almost killing all my heroes, but I managed to get healers and the rest of my heroes ready to fire, but some tiles set off Dawn, and then my healer’s mana cut, and yeah, I lost that one - not even 1 point.

If I manage to get 5-0 tomorrow it will be a miracle.
I have actually been loving using Rufus, Waqas and Bauchan on offense.


Faced 10 Treevils today including 2 Triple Tree defenses. Consider myself lucky to only lose 2 :stuck_out_tongue:

Treevil - Dawn - Treevil - Dawn - Treevil is not the first time anyone would want to face before getting warmed up… Brought in Kvasir since he gets boosted by Zarel as well to go with Rekhetre and Kinsaishi + cTyrum for the dispel. Kvasir survived long enough to keep the Dawns from throwing up their owls. It came down to Rekhetre vs Dawn and with boosted health, just needed to move the tiles around until I could get 3 vertical yellow ones to finish the job.

Won the next against a Bauchan tank, but then 2 losses in a row. First was against a Rufus - Dawn - Treevil - Bauchan - Noril team. Went with Helo for a 2nd healer, which was probably a mistake against Noril. Did kill the middle 3 for some points.

The other loss was to another Triple Tree team with Sally and Faiez. Just managed to kill the tank. Kinsaishi’s 1st charge is just too random to kill Treevils. Will be bringing Sally in tomorrow.

Defense isn’t doing so well at 1-2 (D) so won’t be buying back if I get the 4th loss tomorrow.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 1-2 (D) 2341 400 2741
2 7-3 1-2 (D) 4815

Good luck everyone!


Seems to be a theme here! I’m 6-3 so far, all three losses have been to teams with at least one treevil. This morning I got demolished by a team with one treevil and four healers! Since I just pulled my first tree, this might be my team next go-around.