Start of Day 04:
Offense, steady at 17-3.
Defense remains a C for the third consecutive day.
Reasonable chance to stay in the Top 1% bracket if I get a very good day 5.
Start of Day 04:
Offense, steady at 17-3.
Defense remains a C for the third consecutive day.
Reasonable chance to stay in the Top 1% bracket if I get a very good day 5.
If it helps for comparison:
Attack: 17-3
Score: 12,636 / Rank: 9520 / Top 1%
It seems tomorrow will all depend for us. I think I will buy a continue if I die, especially if I die on my first or 2nd flag.
Yeah. 75 gems for say 20 emblems is a good trade.
It’s official: best tournament so far, let’s see if I’m gonna fall apart tomorrow.
20-0 attacking, even defence scored 2 wins and it’s at 3-1. Grades E, B, A.
Maxed Boril tanks as far as the eye could see today but I’m still alive after day 4…just. I went 4-1 again on attack for 17-3 overall. My defense however seems to have turned into a lemming and plunged off the nearest cliff. After a very quiet 3 days of sitting at A, I dropped to C is the space of a few hours and whilst I’m hopeful I might recover for an A or B, I have a sinking suspicion I may drop even lower.
We keep going at the same pace! 20-0 for me too!
Next match was the hardest.
And last match, again a good start.
Defense is okay, at B at 7-6
I’m going with the same team until the end. They deserve it.
Day 4
4-1 on offense (18-2 overall), defense picked up 3 losses (2-4 overall) for a D now
One loss was partly because the board ran dry, but also because I played it poorly. Definitely could’ve won if I’d put in some more thought. Oh well my excuse is after 10 hours of non-stop Atlantis farming my brain has just turned into mush.
(C)Kiril, Mist x2, (C)Sonya x2 still works like a charm
Day 4 - My 3-1-1 team led by Gullinbursti continued to do well today. I went 4-1 attacking and 0-1 defending. Overall, I’m 16-4 attacking and 0-11 defending (E-rated defense). There is no hope for my defense. It’s going up against highly emblemed opponents with little chance of holding up. Oh well. Hopefully, I can have a clean sheet tomorrow attacking. If so, Top 5% is in reach. Good luck all!
Yaaaaay, I did it! 25-0, couple of close battles today, but somehow I survived.
Now waiting for a terrible loot tomorrow, because I’m in the longest dry streak ever, honestly, I think game forgot of my existence when it comes to non farmable 3* and 4* mats…
Congratulations on the undefeated run!
Start of Day 05:
Offense, managed to go 5-0 leaving me at 22-3.
Defense, picked up a B on Day 04 after 3 straight C’ s.
Fingers crossed on finishing in the Top 1%.
Come on, don’t leave me now!
Final day and I managed 2-1 to end 19-4 overall. Defense remains the same at C grade with 2-3 record. Top 1% for the moment but a lot of time remaining and even a top 5% finish will make this my best 4* tournament run ever.
Day 4 & 5
Went in different attack formations…mostly 3/2 but also 3/1/1 or 2/2/1 and it all worked out…
Always on board Kiril +15 and Sonya +20. Mist is real welcome addition…she reached +18 now. Only lost 1 on day 4 so this lets me finish without rebuy.
Defence…luckily I haven’t been attacked further so it is exactly 60% counting for A.
6:4 A B A A A
Went 23-2 with proteus, sonya, triton, kiril, sabina all well emblemed. Swapped in c-rigard occasionally for sabina but not often. Seems like this rule set favors the attacker more than others.
Def of sonya, c-rigs, kiril, triton, proteus worked its way UP to C grade after a poor start. Thought highly emblemed like they are would do better. See rule set comment above.
Ouch awful today.
3-2 and had to buy a gem continue
I will only be top 5%, sadly. But oh well.
At least I should get a summon token or 2
I did it!
25-0. This attackteam is clearly awesome.
Had a few hard matches, the hardest was the one without blue tiles… in the screenshot, kiril hadn’t even cast once…
Also had a few good starts, those were quick games, like todays first match:
No leaderboard, although my defense is up to A now, the E-D-C start cost too many points (just figured I got an alfabet score: E-D-C-B-A)
Yaaay, congrats! This was an awesome tourney, happy for you.