⚔ [27th Sept, 2020] - 75th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Nature/ Green

Congrats as well on the perfect attacking record!

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Went 22-3 offense, mostly with c Rigard, Proteus, c Kiril, c Sonya, Triton with Kiril/Sonya going in and out of costume as needed. A few fights against c Tiburtus tanks used Mist, Jackal, Gullinbursti instead of the blues.

Defense was B, B, A, A, and currently still A

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Day 5 - Every team I faces was +100. Very challenging. I went 3-2 attacking and 0-2 defending. Overall, I’m 19-6 attacking and 0-13 defending (E-rated defense). Currently, Top 5% but that could slip considering how bad my defense did. This is the 1st time I was blanked on defense. Ugly! Good luck all! :wink:

Day 5
4-1 offense (22-3 overall), defense miraculously picked up 2 wins to improve to a B (4-4 overall). Should be enough for top 1% even if defense drops to an E seconds before tourney ends lol (knock on wood).

One loss against this:

Use my trusty Kiril, Mist x2, Sonya x2 team once again but the opening board was just chock full of greens and reds. In fact I lost two heroes before I even took out BT! (one of them being the healer, of course they’d go after the healer first)

Normally I’d have waved the white flag but I felt extremely indignant losing to a +100 team simply because of a bad board, and through excellent board play I was able to take out all but cLi Xiu, where it came down to a solo Mist+18 vs her, and I couldn’t get enough blue tiles under her so Mist+18 died to her slash attack. Oh well at least I took out 4 heroes, and I’ll still have the satisfaction of knowing the player I faced barely broke top 10%. :grin:

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Finished with a 24-1 record, single loss was a combination of bad board and AI systemically targeting my snipers. Still good enough for top1% despite poor performance from defense (which actually improved to C by the end).

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Like I said before, if it was because of rewards, I would never participate in tournaments. Would be nice to get something for a great week, but hey, I didn’t expect it. I enjoyed battles very much. :blush:


Orb nr 24, but 2 troop-tokens (go purple/ green / red manatroops! (Who i still miss, have 2 yellow and 1 blue. Plenty of crit though, in all colours…)
Also 20 emblems, 10 coins a resettoken, so not bad.


I think this is the best I’ve ever gotten for top 1% so can’t complain: (where’s my 4* mat?? :crazy_face:)

Jabberwock is gonna be one happy dragon


I enjoyed this tournament a lot. Good battles, fun teams to play with. Not the best loot but I’ve certainly had worse. The emblems are very welcome!




Bad news - Just could stay in the Top 1%.

Good news - I couldn’t tell the difference with the loot I got. :rofl:


Got a sneak attack before end to put my defense down to B. :rofl:


Final rank and rewards:

Screenshot_20201003-131338171 (1)

Defense team used:

Defense team performance:

  • Wins: 26
  • Losses: 13
  • Grades: A, A, A, A, A

Final Results:

Defense: 6W - 12L (D,C,C,D,D)

I regret putting 4 blues. Never seems to work well when I put 4 or 5 of the strong color.

Offense: 23W - 2L

Used mostly: Mist - Chao - Kiril - Sonya - Triton, except against yellow tanks.

Rank: Top 1%


Worse loot than most top 5% people :upside_down_face:


Dont regret going almost mono blue…

I had almost similar setup defence than the first guy, but had 90% lossses of defence!!!

My setup :

C. Rigard, Mist, Kiril with C. bonus , Tiburtus, Mist

Had 20:5 score, which could result in 1% or 5% if defense would work, but finished in 25% :slight_smile:

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Late post,…

Final Result

Defense: Rigard-C - Sonya - Kiril - Triton - Grimm

ATK: forget
DEF: I think Grade C
Rank: Top 5% (maybe)



I have thought about that and decided against it. Today I looked at the recent type of this tourney and I had Kiril and Boril swapped as you proposed…both without costume bonus as their costumes hadn’t been released.
I did worse (top 5%) but sadly didn’t find any defense data.

Clearly in this format I see Kiril superior to Boril as tank…and would always prefer going Kiril.
:innocent: :sunglasses:


thanks, i’ll file that away for next time :wink: Boril as tank only got me a D grade, so maybe Kiril as tank next one will be better. (could even leave Boril out as mine is only +1… let’s see…)

Unfortunately, non-emblemed Kiril tank did not work very well for me (0-12 on defense)! Possibly, using higher leveled troops and putting emblems on him will help him perform better.

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my Kiril is +11, while my Boril is only +1. Although, Boril already has higher defense + health than my Kiril…