⚔ [27th Sept, 2020] - 75th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Nature/ Green

This is my personal record, another 5:0 and first time ever I’m at 15:0 after day 3. :muscle:
Defence scored a win yesterday, for 1-1, grade E, B. Was ranked 44, but will fall back significantly because defence is far from perfect. :man_shrugging:t2:


Just started Day 3:

Offense is OK at 13-2.

Defense has been C for Days 1 and 2.

Nothing exceptional but a decent beginning.


Bit of an issue for me…I have just gone out of the tournament, 4 defeats. I always assess if it’s worth spending gems by how my defense is doing, but I’ve still not been attacked?

If my defense is doing well i usually use the gems to carry on with attacks but without knowing how my defense is doing it seems pointless

Not sure what my defense totals are on a day by day, because they are quite a lot but…

Day 1
A: 3-2
D: Grade B

Day 2
A: 4-1
D: Grade B

Day 3
A: 5-0
D: Grade B (so far)

Attack: 12-3
Defense: 13-11
Score: 8813 / Top 5%

My defense is such a huge rollercoaster ride. Day 3 and I have been attacked 24 times already!
I faced 2x Boril Tanks today, which is quite tough to beat when you don’t get the tiles + no greens… Both times he managed to use his special, and I almost lost both. Somehow managed to win all 5 matches today though. I am genuinely shocked.


Is your defence highly emblemed? Can’t remember… Looks to me that since I managed to emblem some of my 3* and 4* with 9-11 tallents, I barely get any attack in these tourneys… :man_shrugging:t2:
Usually couple of times on day 1 or 2 and that’s it. I guess we all go straight to highly emblemed defences and those in the middle ground have very few chances to be tested.

I went 4W-1L today. First lost was my fault because i forgot to unequip sonya costume when i should have brought a dispeler to the battle.

My defense has been attacked 12 times. Im scoring a D sadly. I dont really know how this work . There are some tournaments where i end with only two attacks

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Day 3. Attacking, I went 4-1 again for 13-2 overall. Some great, drawn out battles of attrition today against these 4k+ monster teams with max emblems. Proteus was a superstar and really earned his keep coming up clutch on more than one occasion. No change on defense from yesterday. 2-1 and has barely seen any action this tournament. The low emblems should mean I’m unlikely to see much more action there on the final days besides possible stragglers.



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Team Power: 3,980
cRigard +18 / Sonya +11 / Boldtusk +19 / Mist +18 / Tiburtus +19

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Day 2 & 3

Went 2 healers to save my ■■■ as I am lacking attack power…it helped. Also brought some purples now…lost 1 today


Defence went good…a bit up and down between A and B

6 : 4 A B A


Day 3, 15 attacks, one lost. I’m playing mono this tournament: 2 x Rigard Costume, 2 x Proteus, Cyprian.

One Rigard and one Proteus fully emblemed and one more Proteus at talent 7.

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I love this attack team! Helped with mostly good boards, I again went 5-0 for 15-0 in attack, which probably is a first for me.

Won round one, even with kiril still in costume from trial:

Last one was hardest, rigard remaining alive with a sliver of health, and Mist doing the same, just when charged.

Defense also picking up, 2 wins today, up to B.

Firmly in top1


:grin::grin::grin: What are the chances! Sorry DrBigAL!


So, that team is at 30:0. :joy:
Although, I did go mono blue once tbh.

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I´m surprisingly alive after day 3:

Poor defense score: I lack damage dealers and I have to trust in double riposte, so If enemies have dispellers I haven´t many chances. But I think defense is hard with this kind of rules.

3-9 Big ShEEt score.

As attacker I am very happy with the battles:

This is the attacking team (troops may not fit, the screenshot is taken out of the tournament window.

I have used them in ALL my attacks:

First day I faced similar teams, won easily all of them. 5-0
2nd day I faced stronger teams, some of them full +20 I went 4-1 the lost was against a Sonia tank and a bad board.
3rd day I have faced some rigard tanks and some full blue teams with TP close to mine. A miscalulation when firing Grimm cost me 1 loss. I went 4-1 again. Standing on top 5%

I´m scoring 13-2 with 5-0; 4-1 and 4-1 per day.

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Nice job, I’m having success with same attack team cept only have emblems on c rigard+19.

Asking regarding c rigard Hot, I was hoping they would stack if I had double c rigards whereas the buffs would just reset the timer. Can anyone confirm this?

Still early but I’m surprised my defense is holding A grade (6-3) because many of the attacks were from people with +20 heroes.

If this defense maintains good results, it might be worth running for anyone who’s defense is not doing well.

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Been using a main team of Kiril, normal Sonya, costume Sonya, Proteus, and either Sabina or Rigard depending on the team. Swapped in Grimm once too.

The healing, dispel, mana block and cleanse combination makes up for the relative lack of direct offensive power from the specials. Have had a few really long battles though - most of the defenses I come up against are healer/buffer heavy (Kiril, costume Rigard, Boldtusk…)

15-0 so far!

D in defense though, 6 wins and 12 losses.

Still holding top 1% though! fingers crossed…


Day 3 - FINALLY! A decent day! I went 5-0 attacking and 0-1 defending. Overall, I’m 12-3 attacking and 0-10 defending (E-rated defense). I really thought this was going to be a horrendous day as every opponent was highly emblemed. But my 3-1-1 Holy team did well led by Gullinbursti! I probably should have used this team all week, but I tried to counter my line up to whatever my opponent had on the team. To my surprise, Gullinbursti has been a beast. Mist and Guardian Jackel filled in for the rest of my Holy team nicely. I’ll run with this for the rest of the week and see how I do. Good luck all! :wink:

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Day 3
5-0 offense (14-1 overall), defense picked up 3 losses (2-3 overall) to drop to C blegh

Entire day of fighting +100 teams, my heroes are tired but my brain is tireder :crazy_face:

I know it’s buff boost, but I still think cKiril is the slightly better choice here. -34% defense translates to a +68% attack, which is about equal to what you get if you used regular Kiril (2 buffs = +40% attack, then +30% attack = +70% attack total), but that -34% attack (or +68% defense) is mega useful especially if a hitter is about to fire and wreck you otherwise. Plus good insurance against Sonya dying because it overwrites all buffs except HoT so again mega useful.

Used same team throughout whole day: (C)Kiril, Mist x2, (C)Sonya x2. In the 4th match cKiril died prematurely, but thanks to Mist I was able to turn a sure defeat into a win. :crossed_fingers:

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15-0 on attacks, unfortunately defense was E for the first 2 days, slowly climbing back to D. This is the easiest format.

I have lost count now for what my defense is but it finished as B grade yesterday, but has been attacked 3 times today and lost all 3. I think I am about 19-21 now

Offense today was 5-0 though, surprising as I was against 3 Boril Tanks +20, and I had no dispeller.