As my Sonya is my most emblemed 4* hero (20 besides Rigard) hero I brought her as she is most sturdy and survives long…I even put costumed Boril on flank right in front of her to protect her.
Been attacked once…and won.
Her paladin class fits the rules. When the talent is activated the shield counts as buff giving her additional 20% attack…I know it is only 2 turns.
Even thought bringing a second Sonya+1 as cleanser…but gave Triton the go.
I decided costume bonus does enough for me without the emblems on her.
The only 4* paladin I have emblemed is Falcon, but that’s mostly because I value my titan teams highly!
Even the one with a bad startingboard quickly turned around and went 5-0. (Although Colen as tank, even with +20 isn’t the most effective tank in a no green tournament…)
Indeed! My 3rd and 4th board was not good from the start - Kiril saved my 3 heros from going down at last moment. But then the tide went my way. Very nice team, with lot of buffs and enough healing to go through, and some heavy hitters. I think I lost Triton just one time, and that’s it.
My defence is also 0-1… Not sure if it’s bad luck, or bad defence.
Good start to this tournament. Offensively, I went 5-0 on day one. Defense is currently at B grade with 1-1 record. Pretty happy with those results, lets see what day 2 brings!
Just didn’t feel right to not use my most highly emblemed heroes for the center trio, plus figured it’s probably better to have a no-weak-color tank for this tourney. Debated between Kiril or cKiril since I value debuffs more than buffs (even for buff boost), but turns out the way I setup the talent grid, vanilla Kiril was still sturdier despite me trying to increase cKiril’s tankiness, so went with regular Kiril.
Double Sonya to annoy attackers, but also because with CB she hits for 90% of Triton’s snipe but is much, much tankier.
Day 1 - Ouch! I went 4-1 attacking and 0-4 defending (E-rated defense). Ouch! When you have hit rock-bottom, you can only go up from here. Right? Good luck all!
Figured it’s safe to go mono blue (Kiril, Sonya, Boril, Triton and Grimm). Wasn’t a great board, but blues eventually showed up to wipe out Boldtusks. Tiburtus then killed himself on riposte and that was practically the end.
On offense it is going well. This tournament is not as punishing as rush one. If you have a bad board you can still win if you have the right heroes(dispeler, healer and hitters). I raid with Sonya-Grimm-Kiril-c.rigard and proteus.
Correct, my 4* core is crippled by the lack of emblems on heavy hitters. I only emblemed support 4*'s for the war teams and raids. I usually do much better in 3* and 5* tourneys. Anyway, day two keept the same pattern, except for a few defensive wins, to few to make a difference.
I’m doing the same . Usually I also do okay in 3*, but I don’t have the 5* to really do good there. My 4* are now emblemed enough in all colours to do okay in most forms (except bloody battle as a lot of my highest emblemed are healers:BT/rigard/melendor)
Offense: another day of 5-0. Good boards today!
Didn’t lose a single hero.
You know what I’d like to see in the tournaments where a specific color is excluded? Take the tiles of that color out. We can’t use green this tournament and it seems that is the tile popping up in my boards at about a 60% rate followed by the colors I’m not stacking at around a 30% rate with a mere 10% rate for the tiles I need. But hey, it’s all random anyway. Only day 2 and I’m out of the tournament already. Sometimes I wonder why I even try to play tournaments at all. Oh, and every defensive battle has been a loss as well. At least someone is getting good boards.
Day 2 - I guess I have not completely reached rock-bottom! I went 3-2 attacking and 0-5 defending. Overall, I’m 7-3 attacking and and 0-9 defending (E-rated defense). Not much to say about my defense other than there are a lot of folks with heavily emblemed 4* heros! Hahaha! Good luck all!
Day 2
4-1 offense, no more attacks on defense (yet) to remain 2-1 for A
1 loss due to a crappy board, but I also could’ve picked a better team. For some reason I kept Jackal+18 in my attack team for 4 out of 5 attacks, and only swapped him out for a Mist+0 in the very last match because of this nastiness:
Well I’m glad I leveled a second Mist, because being able to slow mana and block buffs for the entire team is what saved me in the end. I think going forward Mist+0 and Mist+18 will be my yellow 2-stack if I’m bringing yellows.