⚔ [26 Sep, 2021] - 127th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Fire/ Red

This tournament is going to be hard against c kadilen coz most of people will keep LB c kad as a tank and boom!!! Frustration throught the match

Telly is a target for the shields. You she doesnt cut mana( not enough at least) her damage is laughable and her minions nothing. Elkanen could be more useful that Telluria. Pity what they did with that hero(and Vela) and they keep letting C.Kadilens Friggs and Odins dominate the game. But these werent HOTM.

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1st draft…

My priority is all FAST kill :sunglasses:
Other option: unemblemed Senan (slow), Killhare+20 (avarage and have drawback), Onyx+19 (unpredictable charge), unemblemed Fogg (well not yet strong, and only 1 hit, I think Kingston -attack and Evelyn dispell and EDD 3 is better on this case)

EDIT: Seshat should use mana troop lvl23 (I will change it).
Goodluck all… :+1: :muscle:


Got 2 options with my, uhh, options. Went with Kingston at tank cause best Atomos isn’t as good here and have nothing better. Devana should play well at flank, and Lianna wing always makes sense. I am leaning towards the 2nd team with bunny at other wing and beast boy at flank even though rogues go on the wing. Thanks for any opinions on that!

Good luck!


My def will probably be annoying


No, no, bring it on, Grimble will love it.

Going with this.


The self-healing stack from Slayers is it available in this format?:thinking:

I think they will not heal.

Nope. Learned that the hard way in a previous bloody tournament.

We shall see how this does…


Hoping costume kadilen and drake fong delay the attacks enough for alfrike to go off. Idk…


So I lied. Ended up getting my C Lianna maxed (after having her at 4/1 for at least 3 months…way too many Nature projects) and power maxed Cristobal. So I went with:
C Lianna - CB Sartana - LB Frigg - Cristobal - C Joon

Almost went mono green with C Yunan and Kaliden in for Sartana and Joon


This will be a tough tournament without healers and my Red heroes. Attacked with a VF 4-1 Dark stack (Ametrine - Hannah - Clarissa - Onyx - Devana)

Worked well for the most part. The single loss was against this team

Probably should have won this one with more careful play. Kept cascading into Cobalt with him firing at 2nd charge. Devana and her lynxes managed to survive long enough that I still got 500 points from the match.

Don’t really expect much from my defense this week. Strongest current Green is Bertila and Cristobal is only at 3-57. Currently 0-1 and anything above E will be a bonus :sweat_smile:

Good luck everyone!


Lidenbrock? Other than cleanse, she doesn’t offer any useful buffs in this tourney. And I can’t see how this was an autopick defense.

Day 1:

Attack : 4-1

Def: 2-2

Most of them are “Blue!@!” stacks… so my green mono makes short work on them …

This one however was inviting a Yellow stack and I happen to have Shakira…

This was scary but melted…

And than Thanos (khm, Krampus) comes around… “This is inevitable!”



I killed the centre three… With all my heroes alive!!! Good job! was like:
Happy Vonos! :slight_smile:

Than the two wing heroes chained !!!

War-chick and Fin-lay-waste…

I was like:


Good luck guys!

Ps: never underestimate the power of the wings!


Well, first day went alright. Some hard starts, but they all turned in time. I’m not in whalecountry yet, so opponents aren’t that scary yet. Managed to win them all




It looks like my defense team was not as good as I thought :smiley:

Day 1:
Offense: 4 wins 1 loss
Defense: 4 loss (E grade) (The average TP of my attackers is 4600+)

Score: 3195
Rank: 103k = top 10%


Another 4-1 day. The one loss was against a 4914 TP team, but it still felt like I could have won it if not for some small mistakes somewhere.

Same attack team as yesterday. Ametrine - Hannah - Clarissa - Onyx - Devana. The 4 Dark heroes charge in 6 tiles and the boards usually had them. The one board that didn’t start well had a giant cascade that took out half the opposing team.

Defense was 0-1 yesterday but actually improved to 2-2 B today. We’ll see if that holds :thinking:

Good luck everyone. Day 3 beckons…


Well, today went less well. 3-2. Lost one which I might have won if I known elradir better. I shut him down with proteus, but those 2 ailments gave him +10 mana, charging him, after which proteus’ dit git thrown in my face. I figured I would shut him down, buying me 3 turns… Oh well, lesson learned.

