⚔ [26 Jan, 2025] - 301st Raid Tournament - 5* Rush Attack, No Blue/ Ice

Different picture here. I faced a double Bearnadette this time, again no fitting tiles and didn‘t survive, could at least take one down. Rest was ok.

So offense 8-2, while defense meanwhile at 0-3. To have or not to have Bearnadette :face_holding_back_tears:


4-1 today. Thought I might go 5-0, then got this fun board lol. Defense up to a robust 2-10 at last check. 7-3 attack, we will see about a rebuy.


Seeing the lovely old ladies, you all are facing, I am quite glad to be at a lower level.
My hardest battle today was against a Cupido tank + attacking Toons team, but going the riposte route did work out in the end, so I am at 10-0. The defence was at D after the first day and was not yet probed today.


Better boards today (and no Bearnadette) but just one loss against a tJustice tank. Couldn’t charge my Purples before she fired, and my Von Rothbart kept missing the flanks with his special. 3rd zero of the tournament. Tried using Siegfried today. He’s just level 80 and overwrites Ludwig, but is more like an insurance policy in case of no Purple tiles.

Defense won one, but still E at 1-3.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 3-2 0-2 E 2,969 200 3,169
2 7-3 1-3 E 7,128 7,128

Good luck everyone!


Day 3: first losses (2) against…. Bearny tanks, relius and Von Rothbart. Very hard to beat Bearnadette tank in a rush no-blue battle. The other flip of the coin is that when you have her and you’re not facing her, it’s very easy to win.
I have Gazelle and Prince Sig sitting on the bench, definitely need to max them (so much to do!)

O: 13-2
D: 6-1 (A)

Wasn’t at all expecting this result as i hardly stay alive on Wednesday during lego tournaments, and realizing now how strong Bearnadette is.


Third day was good again, again a 4-1 in offense, twice successful against Bearny. :muscle:
Today three times Bearny and two teams full of toons. The following team knocked me out:

Current state looks good , but with defense still 0-3 EE?, no big expectations.


Took the 4th loss right from the start against a tKhagan tank flanked by tElena and Cennius. No chance once the 2 Reds fired. Bought back in and took another zero. This time against a Vanya tank. The flank Sludgus and wing cAlfrike did most of the damage here.

Abandoned the Siegfried experiment as I can’t find the right team for him yet. Also took Dabria out and put Chloris in. Lost the revive, but boost worked better than heal over time. Switched to a 2-2-1 attack team of Chloris - Von Rothbart - Ludwig - tAzlar - tMarjana.

Miraculously won the next against a Bearnadette tank despite the Astrid in defense reducing Von Rothbart’s dance on her to 1 turn. Last 2 against tVivica tanks were a bit easier though both times she reflected the dance when she was the last hero left standing :sweat_smile:

Defense is now well below the sea at 1-8.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 3-2 0-2 E 2,969 200 3,169
2 7-3 1-5 E 7,128 200 7,328
3 10-5 1-8 E 10,292 10,292

Good luck to those still playing!


In top 50 only 6 teams donr have Bearni :wink: I dont remember even Treevil(in his prime) to be in so many defenses in 3* rush :wink:
This get litle awkward;-)


Managed 5-0 today, including a double Bear team. Greens or reds work for me (Siegfried/Starlass, Daemon/Eron), so I at least have a fair shot. Thankfully didn’t run into her paired with Astrid. Defense humming along at 5-17 or so lol. Good luck!


Another good day regarding my attacks, so that I am at 15-0. There is a monotonous increase in the points I get for every attack, so I guess, a defeat should come soon.

Defence produced an E after the second day, but finally started winning today and is at 5-4 at the moment.

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Day4: 5-0 today, of which a win against an all toon team.
O: 18-2
D: 13-1 (A)

See you tomorrow!


Today, I managed to get my first loss. I cannot even blame the board because, after a long and hard fought battle (it was Blossom and Rust on my side against toon-Horghall, Gooldron, Ottilia and Mother Nord before enough red tiles happened), I was one match away from winning and was happily swiping for the match already during the animation of the previous turn and the app closed. I guess a second finger touched the screen where it should not have. At least, the loss prevented me from facing 7k teams for the rest of the day, so it was not all bad.

Defence was a B after day 3. Maybe it will manage to move up to A today?

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Another Bearnadette and another 4-1 :sweat_smile:
So not too bad, 16-4 in offense so far.
Defense managed a few victories, so up from E to B, where I‘m still. So EEB?


Other than 1 bad board, lots of Purple tiles today and Von Rothbart made a lot of defenders put on their dancing shoes. Continued with no revivers in attack with Chloris - Von Rothbart - Ludwig - tAzlar - tMarj/cMarj/Xiaotu.

Single loss was against a Moonbell flanked by Swiftpaw and Armand. Managed to get her hp down to the red zone multiple times with my Red hitters but just not enough to kill her before she summoned her minions. 6th loss and 6th zero.

Defense remains E (1-9). Will need to go 5-0 on the last day to have a chance at top 5%.

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 3-2 0-2 E 2,969 200 3,169
2 7-3 1-5 E 7,128 200 7,328
3 10-5 1-9 E 10,292 200 10,492
4 14-6 1-9 E 14,481 14,481

Good luck on the last day everyone!


Day5: 5 - 0 today as well. This is by far my (surprisingly) best tournament! Combo Bearny + Scrollbeast was amazing!

O: 23-2
D: 15-1 (A) so far


I‘m also done. Another 4-1 as finish, 20-5 in total.
Faced eight times Bearny and had a 3-5 result, while 17-0, where there was no Bearny :sweat_smile:
Defense Held again the B with 3-3, so up to now EEBBx.
Here is my score, very small chance for 1% I‘d assume.


At the end 24-1, but def start terrible with 8 straight losses and is E all the way, there is a little chance to turn to D(33% at the moment).
I dont have any slow monsters, the only slow hero that I used was tVivica in my anti-Bearni team - together with tSartata, tDomitia, Vander and Hilda. 6 yellow or purple before Bearni is win. If Iam lucky with the resist can manage and if she fire first. My only lost was agains double Bearni. Bad board and Bearni fires twice before I can charge any hero and Scrollbeast made me to quit the fight with straight zero :wink:
Top 1% is not guaranteed even with 24-1, because of the Defence, but most probably I will end arround 4000 :wink:


Finally got into the 1,000 point matches on the last day, and did surprisingly well with 4 wins to finish at 18-7. Single loss was against a cDiaochan with Astrid and Bearnadette flanks. With Von Rothbart and Siegfried neutralised, don’t have a good counter against these type of teams. Maybe should have tried Lepiota or Uwe.

With 7 zeroes and an E (1-10) defense, best can do is top 10% this week.

Good luck on your last attacks and with the loot tomorrow :four_leaf_clover: :crossed_fingers:


Well done all on what can be a very frustrating week. Couple 5-0 days left me 17-3 coming into today. Loss in second match against the usual Bear/Astrid combo, but I was solid after the buy back. Defense has made it up to a C, but it will be 5% for me when all is said and done. I did fairly decent against Bear on her own, but it gets much tougher with Astrid alongside.


No Blue where all my heavy hitting slow 5stars live. mostly. Cell and Chester miss this one. :frowning: Alfrike got all freaky on a few.