Went from 90% Day 1 to 65% last Day. I think it was matched against some great players the last days, at least I was matched against Tin that placed nr5 and won.
So did pretty well this time. Had to buy back in with 2 attacks left in day 4 and won out the rest of the way. Landed in the top 1%. Not bad for no breaks, no emblems.
Defense, which I poached from a post above, did well going 3-1, enough for B on day 1, then A each day after. That post turned out to be good advice to me. Say hi guys
I mean how many win and lose. I want to know have many attack you get.
In fact, the main reason that make you get rank 1 is “difficulty bonus” from attack. Rank 2 also have 25-0 on attack and AAAAA for defense but the thing that you get higher score is “difficulty bonus”. The “difficulty bonus” relate to opponent you get which relate to your “auto-fill team power”. The “auto-fill team power” relate to number of attack you get. That is why I ask you “What is your final defense result ?”. I want to know how many attack your defense get during 5 days. Is it 30+ ?