⚔ [23 Jan, 2022] - 144h Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, All Elements

So before I lock in. Is this better han my earlier yurple?

My 2 cents: Bauchan > Sudri for tank (not on rush batles though) but everywhere else Sudri > Bauchan

@Kilted Kvasir tank can fend off an attacking Kvasir but I would think twice about fielding Gunnar: he is too slow and doesn’t adds too much to this format and Purple have both defense reduction and dispelling heroes.

I would instead put a Treevil - Kvasir - Maeve center to better protect your wings from purple tiles.

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Thinking I have either a Nordri or Gato ( both max emblem and LB) or a Rudolph without emblems or LB for the first wing then. Will see what can do with it.

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First draft…

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Double red to ask for blues. C.Tyrum to cleanse defense down and opposing Kvasir’s block.

Should I lb Bauchan?

Overall i prefer Sudri and his massive hit but more and more peepz mentioning the Goblin!..

Just thinking…

I will try with this. :slight_smile:

Kvasir and Bjorn to possibly punish the attacking Kvasir. :tipping_hand_man:

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I will go with this defense :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is what I have locked in now but I am debating the merits of Phoenicus or Skrekok in Bauchans place.

I don’t have any expectation in tournaments (I got nasty results lately). I’ll go with this team:

Let’s see if both mana cutters and C. Renfeld give Treevil time to fire.

Good luck. :wink:

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Day 1

O : 5-0

Go with Kvasir - Pixie and green stack : C Brienne - Mnesseus - CB Berden, blue stack : x2 Nodri - C Valen or purple stack : x2 Tyrum - CB Balthazar. The board is pretty good today. So, 5 straight win :slightly_smiling_face:

D : 0-0

As normal for my 3* result, I rarely get any attack in day 1.


As usual, 3* tournaments are tough from the get go. Lowest team faced was 3213 TP, strongest was 3317. My own defense is at 3262 so can’t complain :wink:

Used various 3-1-1 teams depending on the opposing tank and heroes. Kvasir was the only constant, while Maeve appeared 4 times
Red team was Bauchan - cAzar - Nashgar
Green team was Whacker - Noril - Noril
Blue was Nordri - Chick Jr - Chick Jr
Dark was Maeve - Maeve - cTyrum
Didn’t face any Dark tanks so Poppy hasn’t seen any action.

Quite a number of slow and very slow heroes in the defenses faced so even though boards were only average, managed to win all 5 with little trouble. Apparently a lot of players also started 5-0 since I’m 6 points behind the leader and ranked 612 :sweat_smile:

Defense is 0-1 but it’s early
Good luck everyone!


Got a limit broken and Emblemed Treevil in my defence for Bloody battle at the moment. it’s won 3 in a row so far for me. Think I’ve only managed that once before.

Nashgar, Bertulf, Treevil, Ulmer, Whacker

Day 1: 5-0, despite the boards not cooperating. Some opponents helped by fielding belith/gramps/helo, but a few had harder lineups. Went in different combo’s of yellow (kvasir/poppy) or dark (bjorn/tyrum) with red (bauchan/azar/sudri), green(whacker/c-isshtak/mnessus or c-brienne) or blue (nordri/gato/chick).

Defense untested… Hope it wins a few tonight.


Figured I could take out sudri with a few blue blue matches. Well, that didn’t happen. Thankfully enough yellows for kvasir and poppy to do the work.

Gunnar tank, so greens to take him out. That worked nicely.

Don’t really have much experience with dolgoon. Should have brought a dispeller, as he fired like 5 times before dying; but by that time the rest was also as good as finished.

2 purples, 2 greens, so keep yellow/red. Besides, kailani sucks, right?.. Well; those hitters really hurt with kailani buff… Should have brought dispell. But managed in the end.

And another gunnar. This time took c-brienne. After I charged Brienne, it was quickly done.


5 more wins on Day 2. Same mixing and matching attacking team depending on opposing tank. Toughest match was against a Vollermork tank

Went with a Chick Jr - Nordri - Kvasir - Maeve - Chick Jr team and Ice tiles were scarce. Vollermork and cRenfeld fired, slowing down mana charging even more. Maeve managed to avoid the Poppys though and survived long enough to reach 10 stacks and finish the job

Defense was 2-1 yesterday and up to 5-1 at the moment

Good luck everyone!


Day 2

O : 5-0 (10-0)

Go with same tactic. The board is simply full of purple and yellow in all attack :rofl:. I get purple diamond in few move in every attack. Face 4 yellow tank (3 Poppy, 1 Kvasir), so 4 easy win. The only problem is 4th attack against this team :rofl:

The board is simply full of purple at start. Probably the most purple tile of all 5 attacks :joy:. Go with 2 yellow and 3 green. Passive tank give me some time. However, slash with Bertulf’s buff is painful :sweat_smile:. There is also good amount of yellow tile. They doesn’t form any diamond but they are fall constantly and keep me alive… …until Sudri is about to fire :rofl:. Luckily, I charge my CB Berden and Mnesseus right before he fire. Pixie block Maeve skill. Enemy Noril fire and kill my C Brienne and CB Berden. Then the board dry up. They simply kill my Kvasir and Pixie with Bertulf’s buff. Luckily, there are 3 yellow tile under enemy Maeve and 4 green tile under enemy Noril. I kill both enemy slayers and it leave me to Mnesseus vs Bertulf situation. Luckily, I get enough green tile to charge my Mnesseus and also trigger enemy Bertulf right before he is about to slash and kill my Mnesseus who has only 139 hp left. What a very very close win :slightly_smiling_face:.

D : 1-2

End day 1 with 1-0 and now get 2 more lose :joy:


Day 2

O: 9-1 (kvasir tank negated my kvasir tank for the lose)

D: 8-2 (A) no treevil used :crazy_face:

Currently @ top 1% with a 5912 score. Ranking is 2345.

Looks like LBs is almost necessary to get back it Top 1% or top 5%. I started LBing more of my heroes and saw a big difference.


That is an understatement. From what I’ve been seeing, even my LB’ed heroes are still taking 100-120 damage per slash from these LB’ed teams. One special goes off, my team is critically injured or dead. It feels like I’m playing rush because if the board can’t be finessed, you are dead. Very unforgiving.


Well, today went awful. Boards were not cooperating; could not get my heroes going and felt like the opponent also had rush…

1-4 and done… can’t remember the last time I did so badly… Oh well, see you next week.


So 12 and 3 in attack.

Also currently 6-1 on defence for A grade each day so far ( a lot of thanks to @FraVit93 for his help with my Def team)

Currently sitting in top 1% but a lot will depend on how do tomorrow. Even so 5% is my tournament goal each time anyway.

Attack team has alway had Treevil, Maeve, Bjorn and Bertulf so far and I alternate the other depending on opponent