⚔ [20th Sept, 2020] - 74th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Ice/ Blue

Thanks! really helpful advice, appreciate it tons.

2nd draft then:

  • Seshat in wing,
  • Inari > Joon or Malosi as her special helps everyone and can put pressure on the opposing player (though Joon could also work),
  • Marjana as tank for her sturdiness and Rogue talent,
  • Elana as flank, hopefully Marjana can keep her alive long enough to fire, and at least this greatly discourages Greens
  • Sartana as other wing to help discourage Purple stacks that try to pick on Inari

Yellow stacks might come in, but as you said the Yellows don’t have dispel. and Sesh and Sartana don’t have anything for opposing Malosi to block I think.

I also considered my 4*s, but the sturdiest are mainly healers (Boldy, Lady Wooly, Rigard w/o costume) and the others wouldn’t really scare me (Li Xiu, Tibs, Proteus, Cyprian…)


Agree with @BubblesUK it’s decent, though I would move Kingston to wing indeed. Or take out.

Preferably wing, the +17 will help keep him alive. I thought about bringing Leonidas in, but like Bubbles commented on my own defense draft, would encourage Purples (and neither Malo nor Leo have anything to help make Purples less effective). As it is, Domitia is brilliant - her special protects against Yellows a bit, so even with another Purple (Victor) along it should be fine.

although moving Kingston to wing… not sure how I would then rearrange it. We want Victor far apart from Domitia…

Victor / Malosi / Marjana / Domitia / Kingston is the best I could come up with.

Then again among your Reds, Tyr > Ares and definitely > Khagan so I’m stumped as to how to further improve this. (your original lineup was decent-to-good IMO)!

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For fun :stuck_out_tongue:

5* are my least favourite tournaments. I don’t expect to hang around for too long and buying in is always debatable.

So I like to field interesting defences that give people something different to see :slight_smile:


Thinking of running with this.


Would debate shifting around a little… Killhare wants to wing, ideally, she’s a finisher on defence (huge damage and leaving little alive means her own-team debuff doesn’t hurt the defence too badly).

You might get lucky and have JF fire first, but it’s too easy for a good player to make KH fire first… It’s a one-two that kinda wants to be under your control.

I’d debate rolling…
Joon - Marj - Santa - JF - KH

At least then if KH kills it all, it doesn’t matter anyway and it’s harder for the attacker to get KH firing independently of JF’s buff.

Food for thought, maybe :slight_smile:


Can’t say fairer than that!

I like to be a pain in the ■■■, even if I’m out :joy:

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Going Like this. What do you think?


Looks good - another purple or red wing would be slightly preferable to Lianna, but it depends what you have emblems on…

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1st draft…

Anzogh has no effect heal, but he has hit-all…
Available options…

Maybe I will put Ursena as tank. How is it @BubblesUK?
Any input are welcome.

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What do you think about this? Or should i use Gormek as a tank? My other red options are BT+19 but obviously its not good in this tournament, and my Lady Loki is at 4/58. Was also thinking about using Scarlett-Mist-Clarissa-Li Xiu (wcostume bonus) - Lianna, but i think i want the opponent to use yellow against Clarissa.

I am going mono red.


I am not sure if I should run with a mono red team or not. Any input and suggestions are appreciated.

Yea… Anz isn’t ideal.

Ursena is great as long as you’re okay with tempting holy attackers.

Maybe something like:

Seshat - Joon - Ursena - JF - Killhare


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Gonna field:

Malosi - Wilbur - GM+12 - Drake+11 - C.Sartana

Not sure how I feel about double yellow but this is probably my strongest set up. Don’t want to put Telly in or other red 4* heroes.



BK is difficult to deal with even if attackers bring a dispel since the dispel only targets BK when his taunt is up. The other 4 on the team will still have berserk and can dish out some heavy dmg. Unless the attacker brings double dispellers.

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Thanks for the feedback. I Posted a related question about Killhare’s ideal positioning on defense elsewhere on the forum. After seeing a few War vids vs my defense with Killhare at Wing, I find she builds mana way too slowly for my tastes there. This is also my experience raiding against her.

She’s still Wing on my usual defense. I’m thinking this format, especially with no blue, is as good as any to have her at flank - have her fire early, possibly with a Santa debuff, then have the wings finish.

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OK, will try it… 2nd draft with TP 4x4:


My team.

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You’re right, @BubblesUK: the BK nemesis are Malosi and dispellers…and many are purples. Seshat also fits so well with bloody batte 'cause she hits hard, dispells, and keep herself alive with autoreplicating minions without healing support (protection is coming also from Sif).
So…here we go!


I think, I gonna use this defense: