⚔ [18th Oct, 2020] - 78th Raid Tournament - 3* Bloody Battle, All Elements

Thoughts here @BubblesUK ?I’d put 7 on Bauchan and gator


It’s a question of asking ourselves “how do I attack this?”

Your second team… cBrienne or Mnesseus make great counters, in strong colour, at faster mana - it’s gonna take a terrible board to not have that counter ready.

Your latest team looks better - Gunnar’s weaker half sister Kailani counters Gill’s defence down, but there’s no obvious counter to the attack debuff without going off colour (probably Brienne)… Twice as many heroes and colours to charge to get the effects off.
The other option to attack it is to bring Pixie and try to lock Gill up before she fires - less players may have this option, though, whereas lots of F2P and longer term players will be able to deploy Kailani and Brienne.

Gill doesn’t have a massively defensive set of stats, that’s the potential problem here.


The other potential tank options are Bauch or the Shrubbear.

Bauch at tank works pretty well because you get a mana cut, at average mana, then a speed boost for his flanks. If those flanks are heroes that help keep you going (Kvasir? Shrubbear?) or heroes that do big damage (Bjorn) that could have real impact.

There’s so many ways to set up this week… Very attacking, somewhat defensive or mixed.

I guess it depends which you think will punish bad to mediocre boards the hardest.


Yaaaay, a 3* tournament! So excited to participate! :partying_face:

Don´t really know with what team…Plenty of great inspiration in this thread, even though I haven´t got half the heroes mentioned. :sweat_smile:

Looking forward to hear more of how you are doing :slight_smile:

Newbie question: You speak of who is the tank - I know that is the one in the middle.

So if you are, say, facing up against a team with a red hero in the middle - you then bring more heroes of the color that are strong against the red element, or?

I often find, that without a rainbow team, the tiles of the heroes I bring more of seems to be none-existing!

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:


Just so you know I always appreciate your feedback! I especially like this comment here

That really makes a lot of sense. You’re absolutely right about having an infinite amount of ways to set up Defenses provided you have the heroes. I’m now looking at some ideas with Bauchan at tank as he has always given me troubles. Another idea someone gave me was chocin in tank kvasir at one of the flanks.
I’m known to bring too many passive heroes on defense that typically do well for a while but get outlasted in the end. I’m going to look at mixes that have the ability to hold an ideal attack with a good amt of :fire: power on counter.


Within reason, yes… Depends what you’ve got leveled.

And yes, the tank is the hero positioned in the middle.


It’s something of a psychological trick of the mind… We notice the really bad boards, we notice the really good ones - but we don’t necessarily notice the proportions.

It’s really easy to feel like the game is picking on you for stacking, but it’s random… Sometimes you cash in, sometimes you don’t - sometime it’s worth trying it, sometimes it’s not.

These are all things you’ll come to “get a feel for” the more you play :slight_smile:

Enjoy the tournament!
Anything you want help with, just ask, it’s pretty friendly around here :slight_smile:


Thank you for your swift response :slight_smile:

Ok, well, that would be lovely, thank you :slight_smile:

If you had the following heroes, how would you position them?

Valen - Bjorn - EiDunn - Kvasir - Azar (Costumed or not?)

I sadly have no powerful greens. I do have Grevle, but since healing isn´t functioning in this event, it´s best to bench him, right, even though he does provide a 30% attack buff too? He is almost fully Emblemed though, and sits at 721 defense and 803 health.

I got Berden too, but without Emblems.

That´s what I have to pick from atm. :slight_smile:

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Any suggestions for my best tank option and defense?

Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 2.13.35 PM

I can speed level any unleveled heroes and costumes. I’m not going to use Gunnar/C.Gunnar tank b/c he’s slow and there are too many green dispeller counters. I’m probably looking for avg/fast speed tank. I was thinking maybe C.Carver flanked by C.Azar…?

Any input appreciated. @BubblesUK

edit: Honestly I can’t seem to grasp why so many ppl are using Gunnar/C.Gunnar tank. For no-green tournament, I think it makes sense but if all elements allowed, I think running slow speed tank isn’t the way to go. More often than not, slow speed tank will fall to tile dmg, even with below average starting board. Between C.Gunnar and Gunnar+CB tho, C.Gunnar is definitely the better choice since so many green dispellers. I think the best tank for this tournament is Bauchan but unfortunately I don’t have him :unamused:


I went from 50% confidence to 60 to 70 now with this team I am at 90% easily. Now, I’m not saying I’ll get an A but I’m happy with this Defense team.


Is berden maxed out atm? He’d make a nice wing and at the same Time allow for a rainbow Defense. Costumes berden provides the def down as well, if ofc u have him.
Grevle shines in rush or even buff booster much better than this one

Personally, I see 3 heroes that jump out at me that I’d put in there 1. Kvasir 2. Tyrum 3. Berden reg or costume. That leaves red and blue for a rainbow :rainbow: def - gato is a good one for this week, stopping status ailments. Red maybe azar or nahamge

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Maxed, yes! Not emblemed though. :slight_smile: Still worth it over one of those with emblems? All those I mentioned have 19/19/14/19/13 Emblem ‘nodes’ done.

And hoping for costumed Berden, indeed, got 15 Costume Keys saved, fingers crossed!

Not sure of the right order of the team though. :slight_smile: Keep Ei-Dunn as tank?


Yes Melia. But you did not mention the biggest asset…+34% crit chance. This is awesome on defense. Really.

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Last time went A with

Melia - Mnesseus - Bauchan - Gato - Guardian Bat

But that was before Kvasir…so here we go.

Too many choices, some preliminary thoughts:

Bauchan tank even when blue is allowed has always worked well for me, then cIsshtak to pile on the def down, and Karil to really hammer it hard. Bat on right wing as hail mary I guess though fast sniper like Balthazar+CB might work better.

Second team is trying to encourage attackers to stack green, because green has the least amount of hard hitters and no mana controllers. If cBrienne goes off it’s big trouble unless you can cleanse it ror take out the snipers right away.

Last yurple option is more for the lulz, don’t think it would do well because Gill-ra is just too slow, and yurple means any RGB stack becomes full viable.

If you’re going to run two reds, you don’t want either of them at tank (centre) - if the attacker stacks blue, you’ve doubled their advantage.

Grevle is a beast, but attack buff alone isn’t enough to bring him this week (I have him at +19 too).

Typically you want faster heroes with primarily direct damage on the outsides (they get hit by tiles less, so you want them charging faster to compensate)… Ideally fast or vfast, but average sometimes works.

You also want to consider which effects will affect the battle more if they’re firing earlier… In this case, Valen, Kvasir and Ei-Dunn want to be firing quite early.

Your tank wants high defence/HP because they’ll absorb the most tiles - they also want to do something to punish the opponent if they stack and don’t get the tiles… So either big damage, debuff, overheal, effect mana, etc.

You also want to think about heroes that might be used against you… “How would I attack this?” - Assuming you’ve got most heroes, what are the weaknesses of your defence?


Ei-Dunn probably has the most appropriate stats for tanking and slowing down mana generation punishes attackers that don’t get a good board out of the gate.

How would you attack it? Nordri and Valen would make tiles really hurt.

I’d probably look at rolling her in the middle anyway purely because she’s got the beef to take a few tiles and she’ll punish a bad board.

Valen and Kvasir.
I’d want that defence debuff starting early, I’d also want the minions starting early too.

That leaves Bjorn on one wing - he’s average yes, but he hits hard.
Then the other wing… I wouldn’t double up red, so it’d have to be Berden.

That would give you…
Bjorn - Valen - Ei-Dunn - Kvasir - Berden.

The alternative would be to tank Kvasir, move Ei-Dunn to flank and put Azar back in on the wing.

Something like…

Azar - Valen - Kvasir - Ei-Dunn - Bjorn.

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You are remarkable - thank you so much for the indepth answer. Learning every day about new ways to think about the ideal combination of heroes overall.

Thank you for all your helpful sharing of knowledge, it is much appreciated :slight_smile: Exciting! The first Tournament where I do not feel underpowered from the get-go, since it+s 3*!

Thanks again - what you say makes a lot of sense - I will make the adjustment to the team! :slight_smile:


Yea… I changed my mind about Gunnar.

Non costume is way too easy to counter - Mnesseus dispels it but much worse is cBrienne, turning the spirit link into a massive disadvantage!

Costume is aggressive, but it needs AoE to be effective… And slow is a bit all or nothing in bloody battle.


So … who to tank?

Shrub is beefy but I prefer him at flank, if anywhere this week.

Kvasir could be a PITA on a bad board - gets minions going and starts stinging attackers.

A yurple center with Kvasir and double Bjorn might give an attacker something to think about… No debuffs, but huge damage on flanks and you get punished if you stack either way.

Throw a dispel on the left wing (Mnesseus) and some fast damage on the other (Azar? Namahage? Gato?)

That’s one option…

There’s so many ways to do it at 3*, it’s very easy to argue for several different defences.

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You shouldn’t feel underpowered anyway - you get matched based on your maximum TP (team power) that you could field.

So… Even if you don’t use your strongest power team (for example, if you left out a healer this week) the game matches you based on your highest power heroes allowed.

So even in 4* and 5* tournaments, you’ll only get matched based on the highest TP team available to you - whether you’ve got 4* or 5* maxed or not.
If all you’ve got it maxed and emblemed 3*, you shouldn’t be meeting full teams of maxed 4* or 6*.

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Ooh, I see, alright, that clears it up! Thank you - I must have had rubbish luck then; Very often do I get matched up with nothing but 4* and 5* in normal raids, but I just read it´s different there and based on cups first and foremost. Thank you once more :slight_smile:

Yes in regular raids you’ll get matched based on cups…

If you’ve been meeting 4* and 5* heroes, they’re probably (?) not maxed out… Or if they are, they’re either ordered very badly as a defence or they’re teamed up alongside heroes that are much lower in power.

In tournaments it’s less likely to happen.

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