Let’s see if I can get this together. Lost 2 on 2nd day…had an ultra exhausting match 2 healers vs 2 healers in the end…made it. Lost 3 on day 3…well that was horrible. Buy in.
4th day…going fo triple mana control with 3 purple / 2 greens all the time…won first 4 fights…changed in last fight…lost against Kasshrek…2nd 0.
Went with these 3 offensive teams, with Caedmon switching between costumed and regular. Whenever regular was ok, went with him because of 6-tiles charge together with Melendor. That was really huge advantage. Didn’t work only in those occasions with just terrible boards. In mono team, c.Kashrek also needed 6 tiles which provided much needed survivability.
I went 20: 5 and defense constantly A but i am in score 2000 points behind in comparison to you, since my heroes are lower lvl.
Hopefully 15145 points will still be enough for 1%
Oh, and check out the absolute NOSEDIVE my def did ovef the last 24 hrs ish…
That top 1% will definitely drop - only question is to top 5* or 10% ???
Finally took a 0 in the last match, but 4 wins made it a 22-3 record. Continued using mono Green and happy with the results. Probably best score in a tournament
2 flags left and 1 defeat possible. Grade A defence every day I think with 14 wins to 4 losses so far
On attack I’ve been using same 3 nature with either Tiburtus & Proteus or Mist and Chao. Here’s bigging up the much maligned LJ
Quite the boring tournament. i only used 6 different heroes in attack for a 22-3 record. 1% 5th time in a row maybe this time i get some EHT. Good luck with your loot rolls!
I was quite unlucky with the tournament. I went 22-3, win-loss slate, but with an E defence. My alliance leader once said that a 22-3 slate was enough to reach the Top 1% before. Maybe I just missed it. At least, it was the first time in a while that I did not use gems to continue in the tournament.
Lots of firsts for me this week
First time finishing in the top 10! Also first time getting a 4* mat from tourney loot, quite pleased
Defense went 18-5 for an A all the days and went 25-0 on offense.
I was thinkimg myself about it, but I’m not sure. They have changed the order this week (should have been 5* rush no fire), so have no idea what will happen next.