I have her emblemmed since forever, but recently she is seeing action very rarely.
The direct damage is very low compared to what SG is doing with fast AOE heroes recently.
Attack boost is OK-ish, but there are many red heroes with better attack boost. I use her on green titans but frankly only because I miss all those Black Knights etc.
Cleanse is always good but with Milena and Quartz she’s no longer the prime option for that. And I feel these days cleanse is not as needed as it used to be, during the Telluria and DoT era.
And then, the class, I think most useless of them all right after barbarian.
She’s a solid hero on paper but so many better heroes available, she has a “jack of all trades, master of none” vibe these days.
If I was to rate all my maxed red legendaries top to bottom she’s closer to bottom.
Gefjon > Asterius > 2nd Gefjon > Mitsuko > Gravemaker > Octros > Guardian Kong > Zimkitha > Yang Mai > Marjana > Lady Loki > Jean Franc
If we had more green tank wars these days she’d be quite handy for 2nd-3rd tier red mono. Sadly, most of the times, I don’t even use 1st tier red mono these days.