You won't complete Path of Valor #1 (Probably) Analysis, Complaining, and Suggestion

If you capped out all of the six Valor Challenges and still didn’t complete it, you missed a butt-ton of daily challenges. Focus on getting those done next time


There is more flexibility than that. Considering that the 4* ascencion mat is on rank 48.

The changes look pretty good, allthou I would have liked to see the Titan chain quest reworked and the “Use XYZ item” change into “Craft XYZ item”.

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Thank you for replying.

I completed 90+% of the daily missions. They are not enough points to them to get close to finishing the complete path.

At the new 150 point each gives you 450pts per day. Ten day is 4500. 30 days is 13500. That does not come close to complete the PATH.

What stopped me were three challenges that stopped at the end of their series w/o a new series starting for any of them.

Plus the fact that the new Titan challenge series tarted with about 11 days to go. The new Titan series wanted for me to “win” 9 each of a 5☆ Titan. Thing is only about 4 of those showed up for rest of the path.

So, I’m suspecting that the game must be different for each player.

That each series along with maybe the daily challenges must be completely a random pattern.

Good luck on the next path!

I’ll recalculate it with what the total points needed to reach the final 50th win. Or was it 48?

At 450 daily points maybe that might work.

If it computes, thanks for the tip.

I will also check it with 375 daily points.

Ok, so you didn’t complete all the challenges. Take a look at OP which has all the challenges and tiers. When you complete the tier, you get to the next one. It sounds like you didn’t complete all the titan tiers in time if you only had 4 titans show up before the end of the PoV. That means you didn’t have enough points to reach the last milestone.


I still feel PoV should simply reward dedicated players (regardless of their level) and believe the changes are a move in this direction. I do not like that alliances that are pushing their limits are forced to strategically fail to avoid having its members merc.


They took this suggestion :slight_smile:

Well, they could have independently increased daily values from 125 to 150. It’s not necessarily because of this thread.


I think the changes are good for the game.


username checks out


I completed POV with 6 days to spare. This was due, in part, to having a good alliance that hit the titans, and being progressed far enough into the game to be able to complete all the major challenges. For the less seasoned players in my alliance however, there was some frustration over the monthly event challenges. They simply do not have the heroes needed to complete the legendary tier.

I do believe the extra points for daily challenges solves this. Rewarding dedicated players, as opposed to veterans only, will draw in more people. This will also mean that if some players miss a key category they can still get the items that drew them in to begin with. The epic ascension items at 48 - that is amazing. Overall, the summon/item value of POV is unmatched in any other promotion the game offers, and SG is granting easier access to those most valuable items.


I wouldn’t mind some greater variation in the daily challenges though. Perhaps

“Complete a level with only green heroes”
“Defeat the Dark Lord in 3 minutes or less”.
“Make 20 of your kingdom’s inhabitants wave at you.” haha.
“Post 5 messages in your alliance’s chat”
“Defeat a stage with only 1 hero”

Just saying things got a little repetitive towards the end. I think there could be some challenges offered that promote creative gameplay and alliance interaction. :slight_smile: :grinning:


Hi there and welcome…

Try posting these (your) comments here instead

As your comments are more based towards future PoV than not making the last one.

OR even here


Thanks Ozy1. Will do!


@400LBGorilla If I may suggest to avoid duplicate posts is maybe copy and paste those above posts into the relivent topics and then delete these above ones here.

You will the delete button in the posts where the 3 dots are.

So dose it start where you left off ,or do you have to pay again ? Just started playing the game

Pay for a new PoV VIP Pass with every new PoV that starts.

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It starts over. Especially if you are new to the game, wait to purchase the Valor Pass until you see how far you can get. Then decide if the rewards you’d get are worth paying for

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Somebody mentioned that if you don’t use the rewards like Bundles etc…before the next POV starts you will lose them. Is that true? I found it hard to believe.

Not that I’m aware of. They sit in your inventory until you use them

Didn’t think so. That would be pretty bad and seeing the replies on this thread to other things…it wouldn’t go over well.

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Your not wrong there m8, as I am collecting and storing them for a massive feeding frenzy after every 2nd or 3rd PoV, lol.

If I was to lose them I would be pissed as I paid for them, lol.