You don't have to be crazy to play with us, but it helps! - Shop After Dark

That is most appreciated. Come on over when you are done! We will be glad to have you.

Thank you . Look forward to it . I will finish stomping our opponent and say my farewells

One last thing, we just need to confirm that you are over 18 as this is an adult Family.

I have two grandchildren …

Well, I do believe you qualify!

Please do consider getting Line, though. Not only do we use it for better communication, we have an almost dangerous amount of fun there too.

I have an update for you, Se77en. We have have absorbed a small alliance, unfortunately that means we won’t have room for you right away. If you like, I can contact you when we have an opening.

Sometimes theses things happen, and I hope the Tile Gods smile upon you always.

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@Se77en…if you still would be interested in joining the Shop family we have room in Paradox Shop…we are more then willing to work with the Teams you have and help you strengthen your roster…It would be easier if you did have line so our experts could review your roster and help guide you…but maybe you will consider it down the road as we also use line to convey important info and strategies that have a tendency to get lost in game chat

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I will wait until something opens up in the after dark. It would be a stretch of time before one of my teams gets to 4000 points . I’m glad you all absorbed another clan and filled your spots . Happy new year . Till then be well and fight well.

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any team in the shop family is a team worth joining in my opinion

can always move to another team within the family later on if you want

a foot in the door is better then nothing…and would be glad to have you

I understand but I cannot guarantee when a spot will be open…plus if you are already a Shop member it will be easier to move you later on…again The Paradox is willing to work with you and assist you with your roster as needed…War is optional as well…We have a few players with a lower TP then you that work as cleaners…which means they come by after another Team who was unable to one shot kill…at times are cleaners do better then some of our heavy hitters. Also those who are in Dark who are ready to graduate can join Dox and you can switch with them…in the end it’s what you are comfortable with

Shop After Dark has a warm spot waiting for you! Bring your snark and all the sarcasm you own. You won’t regret it.

want to join the Shop family…well you are in luck 4 open spots in The Paradox Shop…feel that maybe you are not strong enough…no worries we have experts to get you on your way and a foot in the door and the assistance from 3 shops can get you on your way.
all you need is line so our experts can assist you plus the Bonus is you can be part of a Great family

We have one spot left In Shop After Dark, but you can’t have it! I’m working on my reverse psychology skills, so you need to stay far away and pay no attention to me.

Just bribe them with food…everyone loves food…
Players…how about a nice large BACON sammich…join Dark to get one…lol

So great news!!!
Spots have opened back up in Dark
Sometimes a merger works sometimes it doesn’t

It’s like an assortment of chocolates in a box you don’t know which ones you like till you buy the box( stores don’t appreciate if you try them before you buy them)
Anyway some you will enjoy others not so much but the ones you do like are less the ones you don’t. So instead of buying the bigger box you try to find the smaller box of the chocolates you do like or get them separately.

yes I used chocolate …but it worked for the analogy

Shop After Dark
crazy & fun

A war win for the Shop after Dark family…congrats!!!
Openings are available…Join our little family of crazy sarcastic and fun group

We like to party like it was before 2020…in bars and restaurants without the distancing

Shop After Dark a place where the crazy and sarcastic are able to chill and let loose or be themselves
Room for 5

Graduation from one Shop to another is an achievement… We work as a family and move where we are needed

contact: mama…bear or jadebutterfly75 in Line

What will you do for a Klondike bar
okay how about Twix do you prefer the right side or the left a d why is there no choice in between…at least for The Shop family we the candy bar with nuts…lol

Contact: mama…bear or jadebutterfly75
There will be a 3 page essay, blood tests, and my personal favorite the old but reliable rack to verify your approval into the Shops…just kidding there is no essay or blood tests

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