Wonderland pulls (Summons) [MASTER]

2 10x pulls. Scored 2 Cats and 2 Caps. Come to think of it, the Cats are actually wearing hats (caps). Perhaps a conspiracy?? :rofl: The rest were feeder 4s and a couple 3s. Not bad overall as I was wanting to try the Cat out in Wars.

Good luck everyone!


3 10X pulls
Captain of D. (maybe someone should rethink that shortened name)
Isarnia, Gormek, Cyprian, Chao, HuTao (all duplicates)

I’m not thrilled with these results. Was only looking for the cat.

One 10x pull. Yes, I lost my virginity to Wonderland; now I’m officially a NON Freeplayer.
Got Kadilen, Quintus, Wu, Sonya, Chao and a few feeders. No Event heros but my (first) beloved Kadilen who I wanted so bad since I began to play E&P. :blush:
And I have 4 Quintus now. :rofl:


he likes to convert water into tears
or water into whines “LOL”

Did 2 x 10 pulls. Got nothing but 3* on the first one. Second one is here:


I wasn’t expecting a 5 star from 2 pulls. My point was that I’ve never gotten a 5 star ever, and I’ve done way more than 30 pulls.

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I got Kunch on my first pull, the cat 20 pulls later, and a lotta food. Hoping for Alice so bad

4x 10 + 1

1 Cat
1 Capt.
1 Domitia

No Alice, no Kunchen, no more money on this thievery


5-pull (for now) King of diamomds, Little John, Brienne, 2 feeders. I’m happy. I didn’t expect any wonderland hero’s seeing the odds.


Alice, Hatter, Queenof hearts to miss? Are they no longer in stock? 78 evolved heroes and none of these three?

1x 10 pull. Got The Hatter, rest were feeders.

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Out of 5 pulls, I’m happy! Other 2 were just feeders.

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Congrats on the Wonderland hero! Didn’t do any pulls today, but out of my TC20 popped my first Wu Kong! :smiley:


Oooh! Congrats!
20 whatevers lol

Crazy. Chao is the only S1 4* I’ve never pulled. I’m always looking for yellow too.

@Aquaginera_7DD what seasons do we have? Been here a year and dont remember lol

You and me both, my friend… you and me both… I’m eight month now without a 5*… and I’m definitely over 100 pulls now (gems, epic tokens, atlantis coins and TC20 trainings)

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I recieved Alice on my first pull, so happy I am.
But your pull requires also much luck. Congratulation! :smiley:


Easter/Spring = Bunny heroes (Master Lepus etc)
Summer = Sand Empire (Yunan, Rana etc)
Halloween/Autumn = Return to Morlovia (Victor etc)
Christmas/Winter = Santa’s Challenge (Mother North, Santa etc)

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I did 10pulls and the winner is …