Wich goblin to LB2

2 months ago I got Fizzicoli and Darkfeather, and pools decided for me to LB2 they.
But just 1 day before LB2ing this happened:

Now i’m not sure.
Who to LB2?!
Poll in next message

  • Darkfeather
  • Fizzicoli
  • Deadboot
  • Boom&Fang
0 voters

Poll with more than 1 choice Bellow|/

Stick to the original two.

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Pool with more than 1 choice(I have 20 alphas):

  • Deadboot
  • Fizzicoli
  • Darkfeather
  • Boom&Fang
0 voters
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Thx @Dudeious.Maximus for moving the category.

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Any more voters???