LB2ing on 5*(poll)

I finally decided to LB2- some 5*, but i’m not sure who to chose.
What do u think?
Who is the best?
(I have 20 alphas)
Poll in next message

  • Torben
  • Victor
  • Horghall
  • Skagemar
  • LoLo
  • c2Thorne
  • Areax
  • cQoH
  • cRumplestskin
  • c3Sartana
  • Neema
  • Norns
  • Fizzicoli
  • Darkfeather
0 voters

Thank you in advance!

Also fizzcoil in my opinion


Poll Will Close At The End Of January!

fizzcoil has the better lb2 skill for his special

df - besides being super strong - doesnt really need his lb2 extra

I agree with :point_up_2:t4: both are great hero’s but the blue one is fast and hit hard

But only mode when he is OP is WaEq.
Otherwise I think Darkfeather is better

Or maybe Torben is better …
Decide for me

Seems the decision has been made for you. 52% of voters is pretty telling when second place has only 36%… Now you have to decide to agree or not…

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

torbi i fizi if you ask me haha

Torben will never be better than Darkfeather
Fizzcoil also another gem
choose a Goblin and have fun!

As someone said:
“He is a top hero. It’s like u ask me should you LB2 Aramis or Sha Wujing. These are top heroes. If u get one, u instantly lvl and LB2 them. It’s just oblivious”

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so there’s your answer
LB them all!

Unfortunately I don’t have that much alphas, and that’s why i made this poll

Only 20 days left to the end of the poll!!
Hurry up!!

Here is Updated poll bcz I got some more good heroes.
This one is closed now