Why (some) things need to be the way they are in E&P

you are comparing limit broken 4* to regular 4*

But the rest of the time…
you are comparing LB-4 to LB-5 with claims that the LB-4 receive more benefit:

No they are not. The 5* gains more.

Why do we need someone to tell us that heroes with LB will be stronger than the same hero without LB…??

You cut the quote off, and called it smoke…

Granted… you may not have those specific heroes of a short list that were given in a plead that the “other side” does have options.

But, now you DO have some nice dark options! Low and behold… Myztero is no longer driving, he’s at the back of the bus waving the 6th war flag. Sometimes!

I’m not calling you a liar!

But stuff like this:

Is very misleading… when you don’t have "numbers"
It was available for hours…
and didn’t break any “economy”

According to Petri, it wouldn’t have broken anything if it was available for 24 hours.
But… it had a $
And that number… called for a rescind…
Which ostracized people

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