Why only 4 battle items for a team of 5 heroes?

I’d think that a group of five would distribute five different items among its members, so that each would have at hand a full selection of everything.

Good point!

Would you trust Mok-Ar to read a compass?

Maybe you’d have to allocate them according to ability!

And can Horghall even wear gloves?!


I think the OP is talking about battle items like mana pots, healing pots, banners etc. So basically if one hero carries each of the items, we are left with one hero who doesn’t carry anything. How they decide that amongst themselves? Do they play rock-paper-scissors? :stuck_out_tongue:


Oooh. Of course. Got it.

If one guy is carrying the bombs and he gets set on fire… would they all explode?


I guess since the bombs and dragon attacks do AoE damage to all heroes, they are more like external instruments of war like catapults with fiery ammunitions or an actual dragon breathing down fire. :thinking:


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@SpaceViking1971, the new feature that will be introduced in the near future, Path of Valor, will grant you the possibility to use 6 battle items. If only, you will earn that reward, of course. At this point, we don’t know too much about it. Still waiting for new beta updates.

It isn’t 6 unique battle items.

It specifically says:


Oh, I misunderstood then :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m still upset that this can be used for challenge events. I waste enough resources making battle items for high scores. :expressionless:


Wait a sec… You say it will be allowed to carry 7 tornadoes, for example?

Yup, sure sounds like it. The same 4 different battle items, but +2 of each one.

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Actually, sharks have very good senses :smiley:
Ampullae of Lorenzini - Wikipedia

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Well, that sucks big time. For me at least. As a poor C2P, I was still able to finish always in the first 200-300 at legendary challenge. Always short of battle items and crafting mats for them. With this feature, I will surely drop on leaderboard. The P2W players will benefit much more than me, of this feature.

Around 1270 pairs of them, I’d say.


Agreed, it is way too much. I’ve dialed back my spending a bit because of all the new stuff they keep asking money for(costumes, now Path of Valor)…

I’m glad they stuck with ‘only’ 4 slots. Battle items aren’t cheap, not when you need hundreds.

First updated challenge event I went for top 1000/500/10,000 because I wanted the 4* mats and know I don’t have the skills to compete in top 100 legendary. With all the resources needed for legendary, I said forget it in the most recent challenge event and went for 1000/500/completion. I’m not using 5 tornadoes and 5 dragon attacks per stage… so 7 of each? No way.

So, yeah, SG; please just leave it at 4 slots. We don’t need more resource drains. We need less. I don’t make Harpoons because they just aren’t worth it.


Absolutely, and if we need to detect a buried stingray, he will be first on the team.

Unfortunately, due to the shape of his head, this is how he sees a compass…


Yeah, shouldn’t it be like a role playing game where each member of your party carries part of the stuff? If SG wanted a harder mode, have it when a hero is down, the battle items it was carrying aren’t usable for the rest of that fight.

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When the game first began, Wu kept losing his item so the rest of the heroes got together and agreed to reduce the slots to four.

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