Why aren't more people on the forum? (Poll)

I have tried to get many teammates here, and now I almost never come back, myself. I could say why and get permanently banned…but you clever kids finger it out.

I dont think many people know about it.

I’m busy in real life and really don’t want to belong. I joined, I think, because this was the only way to voice a problem…which was then ignored. I lurk, get what I need, and pass it on to my team. I have passed more information onto my team from Videos be ANCHOR and other respected players. I have already typed more than I am interested in typing in this response. :wink:


This is my first post on this forum and I figured starting here is somewhat apt! I started playing this game only a few months back, and I’ve been lurking here pretty much from the beginning. Any time I have a question, I check back here. And with more time in game, I’m now also an advice giver, passing on some of what I learn here.

To be honest, I usually can’t think of anything new to add to the information that is already here. Hence, I’ve never posted before!


I’ve played almost a year and have been lurking here for about just as long. Tbh the art contest made me join :orange_heart:


You forgot to add :
Players sick of the game & no longer interested.

I prefer to take this approach to heart. There’s relatively little value of repeating what already exists.

I also tend to write out posts a lot and hit the ‘Cancel’ button for various reasons. Most of the time it involves asking ‘Is this worth posting’? Much of the time it isn’t, so it is placed in the bin. However, I still feel satisfied in reflecting upon my thoughts without them being publicly posted.


I probably do this a lot less than I should. :grimacing:


I strongly agree with this. A lack of response from the devs on the forum shows how little they care. A game as big as E&P should have someone on staff who engages the community on the official forums AT LEAST weekly on the bigger topics, and not just in the bugs category or every few months in news, but preferably in ‘Ideas & Feature Requests’
@EmpiresPuzzles @Petri

I imagine a weekly interaction of listening to the complaints of these people being a lot like the town hall meetings from Parks and Rec.


Listening to constant complaints would be a downer, thats why I specifically mentioned the Ideas & feature requests category, there is A LOT of things there that if given some feedback at all there would be momentum and more discussion.
Even if a specific moderator was given official liaison status and would say in those threads “nice idea, I submitted that to the devs to review in their weekly meeting and will give some feedback on it”

I’ve seen that response maybe once in 546ish days I’ve been playing. I think if they said “hey get 20 votes” we will pass it on would generate more discussion and participation. We already do all of the thinking on each topic. I wouldn’t say entirely no one listening. I think they have other agendas.

On another similar app game I used to play regularly, the official forum was quite lively and they had one moderator whom was paid by the devs and was their liaison. Since he only was a moderator and not staff, anything he said was not official but was reported to the devs weekly and reviewed. This moderator was very active on the forum and it made the player base content.
The devs also created a new thread every month that they took questions from, as long as they were brief point form and limited to a few entries per person. A staffer would answer a handful of the questions of their choice in that thread the following month (so they for sure read that whole thread). They could lead the question thread with asking for feedback on a recent release or whatever as well.

This is the key to bringing people to the forum. Awareness is where it all begins. The message could allude to strategy, tips, tricks, and how to get one up on your fellow player. This would peak interest and bring people here in waves. (for good or ill)


I’ve been playing for a while and in more than a few alliance groups. Most don’t know about the forum and they are relying on others for information and help.
I tell as many people as I can about it. Also this is my first post,