Why are some OP heroes nerfed, but others arent?

Why are some OP heroes nerfed, but others get costume and bonuses?


The OP ones getting costumes hasn’t happened yet…but to answer your question: MONEY MONEY MONEY…MONEY! $$$$

Whales already dropped their wads for Frigg and Odin…need something more powerful now if they are going to spend again.


Same sentiment as when it was created.
Now SG and Zynga have become brazenly blatant about the cash-grabbing. They’ve stopped gussying it up, or at least people see through it now.


Squeakiest gear gets the most oil.

Whales already dropped their wads for Frigg and Odin…need something more powerful now if they are going to spend again.

Well Bertila clearly needs a buff.

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Telly is a bit of a toothless tiger now.


Look Odin is 5* so what is Justice?
If not gonna nerf them at least set odds how players could get them.
I did many summon on last Valhalla for featured Frigg I never became close to her.
Other players who have bunch of legendary they paid money or resource for them and it is not fair those hero be like 1 * compare with some unreachable hero like Odin.
I think Nerf just was for Telly that many got her and never gonna happen for heros that are powerful doubled than last Telly.
It is disappointing

The way i see it…is this: sometimes a hero needs to be powerful enough to compete with future, stronger heroes. Fighting fire with fire.

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The way I see it. SG markets the hell out of these powerful heros to generate a ton of cash from people trying to chase them. Once the hero is out and money is done pouring in, they nerf them and laugh in our face.


So your point is that newer heroes are more powerful? That is the business model, they have to be better than TC20 heroes otherwise nobody would pay to summon. It isn’t just a game, it’s also a business

One thing I can agree on though, Odin and Frigg are waaaaaay too powerful to be fast speed. But there are always heroes to chase which are OP, they include 1 or 2 in each portal, like Finley in Pirates, Jabberwock in Wonderland, Killhare at Easter, etc.

Again this is their business model, it’s nothing personal

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The way I see it, SG is a business and to keep the money flowing they keep upping the ante with the new shiny heroes. Cool and all, but I personally don’t play that game. I mean, my tank is still Justice :rofl:

On a good day, I can take out anyone. On a bad day, I struggle facing Kasshrek at tank. On most days I’m 50/50.

I don’t even try to be (remotely close to) top of the pile.


The way you see it is the way most people see it unless they are blind and can’t see it at all :person_shrugging:

Except I don’t see the ulterior motive of “laughing in our face”.

You might be color blind then.

I’ve been fooled too many times by this business model. We warn others not to spend their money based on our experience, but its like gambling. There is always hope that you can beat the house and get that amazing new hero. And you’re right, if too many people get the hero, it gets nerfed. Or it becomes weak over time against all the new heroes.

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Yes, the colour of money :rofl:

Touche my friend, touche.

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The part that’s hard to see
Is what’s happening to your entire roster
With this direction.

Especially spenders. Blindly lashing out at nerfs, but don’t care if every penny they have spent will be obsolete, and replaced in 2 years.

I don’t see how Season 5 can’t be anything other than 6 star heroes
(7 after blems…)

And then… if all balance changes get
swallowed up in the Costume Chamber. We’ll all be…

I don’t know if this was the best merge ever, the mods have to do it so often.
But this one transitions seamlessly!
@Guvnor do you ever sleep?

Its all about $$$

Tell and vela were nerfed because they were easily available and too many defences had them.
It made raids boring and were turning people away from the game, thus hurting SG’s wallet

Thats the only reason they got nerfed

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Thats practice of an evil corporation.
They just want your $$$

Game could be a million times better with MANY MANY MANY new quality of life additions, but this would only happen if they weren’t trying to dry our pockets.

Instead we have to click the screen 7 times to bypass their offers and start playing.

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Here and there :stuck_out_tongue:

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