Why are some OP heroes nerfed, but others arent?

Vela has been changed, but calling it a nerf and calling Vela dead or useless is premature, and you have made no argument for it. Part of her skills have indeed been reduced, but now she debuffs attack on all enemies, not just Fire enemies, albiet for 3 turns. Her damage is in line with Zeline’s. Is there one blue hero who will be better than Vela for flanking Telluria?

Overall, Telluria + Vela (+ Gravemaker) combo might be easier to defeat in raids, but for wars, it might be more complicated to deal with your attack being reduced for all your heroes, not just the red ones.


Gravemaker case: He use to be a very powerful tank in the past and his reign was over sometime ago. There are lots of ice and fire heroes that can beat Gravemaker.

Finley case: he is super cool and super stupid at the same time. He is very weak against counter attack and/or reflect. In the AW, I aim for him and bring along Mitusko+Elena Costume. Finley, Vela… don’t let Mitsuko or Elena (including all counter attack heroes) fire the skill, otherwise suicide is committed.

That is why Gravemaker and Finley did not get the nurf.

For over 2 years playing this game, I have never seen a hero nerfed so much more than once in just a few months from her release. Vela is now almost a shell of her former self. The compensation package of all flasks and a reset emblem is a mockery of the money spent by the players getting her, as well as the food and iron and effort spent on her maxing and embleming.


Well Vela and all other heroes are bad against reflect. That is not a reason not to nerf Finley.

By all means, I dont want finley to be nerfed. Ot’s just that Vela has been made useless with this rebalancing. She should at least be very fast and make the same water damage as grave does in fire.

I have compared the damage dealt by Vela in Raids this morning and i must say that the damage only tickled my heroes. Since there are enough despellers in the game, the water damage is minimal. I take for example Rigard. And he ist usually charged up latest one turn after Vela.

How dare you ask to nerf their favorite kids in the house.

Vela NERF for TWO MAIN reasons
She daunted GM to oblivion in raid defense
and drastically drop sell record of Alice in Wonderland event.

The problem with gtv is that they are making everything boring and not the fact they are too strong

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So now you feel she ussles would you change your defense and bring more diversity to the game with you own hands?..

I don’t believe today’s gift was ever identified as a “compensation package.”

On a related note, one could argue players with Vela had the use of an overpowered hero for six months.

Then again, some are saying Vela is now improved overall, just not as part of the GTV team…

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Well, I don’t have many options with regards to blue heroes in a defensive position, maybe Athena, but she isn’t maxed out. Aegir doesn’t suit a flan position and is also a Paladin, like my Telluria.

Also, there are many options on how to counter Vela’s effects. Take one or two fast despellers into your team and Vela, grave, Jean Francois, etc aren’t that scary anymore. If Vela is next to Telluria, use purple, yellow and green heroes instead of red.

From my perspecrive there are many other ways on how we could bring in diversity in the gameplay. For example, there could be changing Tank colours for wars.


Are you reaaly using “used to be” for GM? He is one of the most broken hero of the game. It’s damages should be nerf to match clarissa’s one to be okay…

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I am LEADER of my team Lion’s Den 2 and now loosing long time friends due to the recent changes all the money And time spent it more than a slap in the face … Fix this please now more money will be spent form my team otherwise!!

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Come on, @Dan7. What do you call this?

Balancing comes with the Vela nerf. She lost a skill and her DoT is reduced, among others The reset emblem is for players to strip her of emblems because she has lost her potency when the enemy is stacking red, if they opt so.

While GM, touted to be one of the best hero if not the best hero there is, has been scaring the :poop:of a lot of players 2 years back. And yet he has not been nerfed not even once.

No, she’s not.

Probably you have her… So you are not honest which is ok and normal…since the upgrade I just lost to this teams… So ofcourse it’s not fun changing your hero but now she can kill all monos and not just red… so fun!

In order to get a real diversity, they should start significantly buffing/accelerating useless heroes, instead of nerfing the good ones.

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Yes, 2 years ago when AW launched, GM was the most popular tank. Pretty much the same as Telly is reigning the center tank now.

SG could implement temporary buffs and nerfs. One month, a hero could be the most useless hero, and next month it could be nearly OP. There’s nothing more dynamic than that.

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What a joke: Grave can do 2700 (3x900) damage against green at very fast speed: (300 initial + 300 + 300), you don’t have always the possibility to have a clean at very fast speed)…
It’s easy to do small nerf for Grave, no more extra damage against green.
It doesn’t change a lot of thing, but could change the combo (GTV), because it’s really dangerous to play green against GTV.

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Totally agree. That is why bring green team to hit GTV also not a good choice.
The only thing I am thinking about is, GM is at the optimum point where players do not feel that he is too weak or too strong.

If any heroes make players feel too weak or too strong (in a mass scale), there it comes the re-balance.

I think before we were limited not take greens and not red vs gtv

That maybe is another think that makes this combo dangerous. You can take blue but vs green it’s not perfect…

So this really guarded trio
