WHO was first hero that made you jump with joy, when did you GET him / her?!

My first 5* Gazelle made me happy with joy.
Then I got confused (as I was 1 month old in the game) bcoz she didn’t hit… & when I saw a video of how to use her, I was ecstatic… Most of my play happens with her…

Only in wars, I use her once :grinning: :sweat_smile:


Proteus, he came in my 3rd month of playing and I already realized how amazing his special was :slight_smile:

have him now at +19, and he gets my level 17 mana troop to charge in 9 tiles.

his twin came along a few months later and is now at +6, will slowly bring to +19 too so he can go on my second mono Purple war team.


@Guvnor Thanks for moving it … I couldn’t access General Discussion in the box… while posting…

Mine was Marjana. I started to play because my brother and my brother in law were playing as well. So they helped me out and my very first summon from 300 gems was her. Their reaction was just so funny :joy: and i was happy :slight_smile:


Alice I got her maybe a month after I started and still use her everyday :slight_smile: But, I remember thinking when I made some pulls that I hope I don’t get Frida cause I already have a blue one… Ohh what I would give for Frida lol

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Pour moi, mon premier 5*, Miki quand j’ai commencé le jeu


Seshat, first hotm I got (still love her) and getting her actually was the first time I got motivated to go from a very casual e&p player to a more serious and competitive player.

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Ariel, the first times she was featured in the Atlantis, and really had no hopes of getting her while pulling. I loved the card from when she was announced and really wanted her, considered it the best Atlantis card ever released and I lacked decent 5 star healers back then, but really had no intention to go over board and chase her, was happy pulling Kunchen earlier on. Her random appearence was more than welcome. Suddenly my healer problems were resolved within a month.

Panther. After spending all my budget and more to get her, decided to go for one last desperate solo 400 gem purchase and bang, there she was. Was so glad to get her that event, it was the last chance to roll for her with only 3 legendary heroes featured as opposed to 5 now. Still went overboard, and happy I got away with her. Promised myself this was last event card to chase after this hard.

Gravemaker. I set the traps for him about half year before he was going to be last featured on the Atlantis. Hoarded all Atlantis coins and most of the gems from offers etc all this time. Waited most of the Atlantis event so I could get the mid-event offer with extra coins. Went 30 coin pulls, then 30x pull and didn’t get him (Ranvir instead, who was also featured then lol). Had enough for yet another 30x and he was there. He was the most wanted card for me, and was so excited that morning, especially after hearing all these devastating stories from people who pulled 200 times and didn’t get him.


Aeron, two months after I started playing. My first 5*. Of course I started leveling him right away – took me nine months! That’s why I advocate NOT starting 5* right away. Build a bench of 3* and 4* first!

He became a permanent staple on my teams, attack and defense.

Now I have C.Rigard+20 and find I rarely use him anymore. He makes it onto my second string dark mono war team.


My first hero that made her happy was Marianna. I got it from training after 3 months of playing.


Mine was Onatel back then when she was HOTM. She was my first 5* i was chasing!


Athena.my first 5* from some atlantis 2 years ago or something

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Kunchen… which cost me a lot to get

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Mine was Seshat, which changed my whole view on the game.

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Rigard. I had no healer for 6 months, so when I got him I was overjoyed!

And he’s still used in most raids today, now in costume, even though I have Ariel. Unlike Ariel, I now have 3 of him maxed, with one at +20. And there’s a fourth waiting.


Proteus and Wu, I got both in my first Atlantis pull. They changed my game play. I was able to complete 5* challenge event, earlier I was even struggling with 4*.

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Aruna, foi meu primeiro 5* depois de 10 meses de jogo

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:leaves: Evelyn, when she was hero of the month. My first HOTM and first 5 star. Got her on a single epic hero token pull with Kiril. I was happy with Kiril (newish player so didn’t already have him) and then BONUS DRAW! came up. OMG the excitement! I bounced off the couch!

She’s maxed now and a mainstay on my raiding team with Lianna and Kingston. And I still really like the art of her card. I remember being a bit sad that her special doesn’t have some cool animation to go with it but now I appreciate that it’s a bit faster, especially while farming :laughing:


Toss between Rigard and Liana as they were my first 4* and 5* and, looking at the them now, are quite solid heroes still.

Seshat as she was my first HOTM.


I have got some Heroes like Ursena, Mits and Garnet that were absolutly unexpected and i felt so joyful. However nothing compare to my reaction when pulled Francine last week. I jumped and screamed all around the room. Green is my weak colour and to that moment my only asset in green was an elkanen from tc 20