Who to keep? Who to feed? Who to level up first?

Good to see you are still here and enjoying the game @MarthaStewartReally :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You have some great heroes and your roster is developing nicely

You need 6 strong teams for war (I’d suggest at least 1 and probably 2 healers per team)

Titan heroes

At least 25 heroes in each colour for contest if elements

Keep every 5* hero for SE!
5* heroes: max Cookie as a priority
Domitia, Sartana, Thorne and Elena can wait (Magni is a good sniper so he’d probably be my choice out if all the season 1 legendaries - unless you pull a season 1 legendary with a costume - than that should take priority) Also Suzuna is decent with her reflect! I’d leave season 1 heroes at 3:70 for the time being

For titans: max G Jackal and Almur for EDD (elemental defence down), Tibertus, Grimm and Gormek for DD, Kailani, Melia for crit chance, Ulmer and max the other 2 Buster

  1. Purple:Max at least 2 Rigards and 2 Sabinas (Rigard - cleanse; Sabina debuff! Great healers! You could max 3 of each and you won’t go wrong); 2nd Tibertus for DD; you may need 2nd Cyprian for war attack team! Vlad and Edd are good but you may want to keep a copy of every unique hero (I’d suggest keep a copy, when you have the luxury of maxing them, max and then feed away so you get your gems from hero museum)
  2. Yellow: keep 2nd copy if Gullinbursti (handy in towers and rush war) and Lady Woolerton (towers and contest of elements; fast healer is always welcome); Li Xiu is a great hero - 2 copies will serve you well; max and LB Jolly, take Vivica to 3:70 (and max when you have the mats; she will help you in map stages); feed away copies of Candy, Chao, Gan Ju (maybe also poppy and Sally although they may be useful for tournaments for the time being but eventually you will not need 2 copies of those), feed away any copies of Dawa and most season 1 epic heroes!
  3. Blue: Sonya is a great hero and you may consider a second copy; also 2 copies of Kiril (until you have a much deeper roster with legendary healers), 2nd Grimm for DD; max Ulmer! Graymane and Valen are food
  4. Green: max 2nd Caedmon (and even 2nd Melendor and Faiez - you can never have enough healers!); copies of carver, belith, little John, gramps, by-lug, friar tuck and Berden are food!
  5. Red: Max Cookie!!! Max Gormek (he’s amazing - consider 2-3 copies; eso if you have his 2 costumes- the two costumes are great), max G Fakcon x2 for EDD, max all your copies of Buster and probably 2x Boldtusk; you can feed away your 3rd copy if Scarlett!

Try to make 6 war teams (one strong tank + 1 or 2 healers)
Keep your Titan heroes (Falcon, Jackal, Almur, Nordri, Wu Kong, Buster etc)
Keep at least 25 heroes per colour for contest of elements!

I’m sure I’ve missed quite a bit, but hope this helps a little!


Thank you so much for the help Luna! Time to go through my roster :slight_smile: If I can bother you for a bit more help (whenever you have an extra moment) … could you help me put a few teams together based on who I’ve got? If not, I appreciate the time you’ve already given! I’m still figuring out how the synergy works, and you seem to have a handle on all of that! BTW, I’m partial to the name Luna … here is ours :heart: along with her sister Kona



My Luna

p.s.: I’ll try to give you some team ideas when I have a moment


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Thank you for taking the time to help me :slight_smile: I appreciate it!

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What a beautiful puppers!!!

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Most high power hero full leveling limit breaker aethar and emblem.all add hero team good looking high team power

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Which language speak you?

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It appears that @Anjali is from India :grinning:

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Still means about 15 languages to choose from then. Also surprised at the seemingly poor grasp of written English

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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I say hello.i write sentence you not feel negative thank you for ask question and write.i am from india.india people speak many language marathi tamil Telugu etc .india two language join people first mother language hindi and second india officials language English.my good understand language hindi.second english language study language .other india language normal understand.people what write English sentence i understand what write.i write English normal but ok.india and language related conversation with me respectful and manner know all i am not you and other family friend members.insult india other country related game understand language show dirty mind.all members join community forum playing game.

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aapakee likhit angrejee aashcharyajanak roop se kharaab hai. aap kuchh samay ke lie sahaayata ke lie googlai anuvaad ka upayog karana behatar kar sakate hain. yah sahee nahin hai, lekin aap behatar dhang se samajh paenge ki yah keval manch ka upayog karate samay prabhaavee sanchaar mein sahaayata kar sakata hai

Translation: Your written English is surprisingly poor. You may do better using Google Translate to assist for a while. It is not perfect but you would be better understood which can only aid in effective communication whilst using the forum

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


All write sentence check google correct.what you main point what you ask me.not guide me my sentence.stop teach

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He who knows not, and knows not he knows not…

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:

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Normal write my permanent word never never change.winner :rofl: :+1:t2:

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I feed Mr pengi level up 90 looking high power hero

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I didn’t even have the decency to organize it by element… smh… I was such a rookie here… and I am still grateful for all the help I received. I still have a long way to go, but this set me on the right path.