Who is your favorite hero to use on offense?

Onatel and Lady Locke, I often use them off colour because I want to see them on the battlefield so much. And Noor whenever a foe has minion heroes, the more the better. I also quickly warm up to Alice.

In epics it’s Brynhild and Gullinbursti hands down :smiley:

In rares it’s the one and only Kvasir, emblemed to +20 until recently. I also had fun with Hisan.

Like others have said, Mitsuko. Not just insanely powerful, but also very challenging to use in terms of timing and targeting, and that makes it more fun and gives a sense of achievement . Onatel is similar that way, but I prefer Mitsuko

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Wilbur … and I’m prepared to be teased about my on-going love affair with him :grin:


My favorite is Myztero. Deflecting a good few ailments and watching the opposing team suffer. Also like that using him takes a little bit of startegy and timing.

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Guardian Gazelle. Whenever you have her you always feel the tide of a battle can turn when you use her special


Interesting. I have Myztero at 70, and I have the materials but I haven’t pulled the trigger. Can you give me a bit more detail on why you like him? Why he is useful?

Current mono purple is

Would you think he replaces anyone?

Most fun 5*


Her SS is godly. Like my favorite hero, Hel, on crack :heart_eyes:

(But my favs are still Hel and Alby)

Most fun 4*


I use him in mono stacks, and can [somewhat consistently] wipe out opponent teams in war, that have 1000+ TP more than me (cuz my TP is only 3600), after one single fire. No other hero can do that [for me], that easily, with that low of TP.

& Nothing in this game feels better than that [to me] :grin:

(But my favorite 4* is probably Hansel)


Hmm, C. Renfeld is pretty dope. Shrubbear too. Although, think Grevle is currently my favorite. But do like me some Nordri + Chick Jr


From all the heroes i got, i really love to use Malosi and Kingston.
Malosi as very fast, is able to neutralize the most powerful heroes out there.
Kingston on the other hand, is able to do solid single target damage, and its quite easy to make 3 opponents - 51% dmg.

I don’t do mono myself. Not sure he replaces anyone in your team.

My current attack team which I rarely bother to change. Against the typical GM - Tellu - Vela teams this work very nicely. Often Myztero gets to memorize both GM and Vela specials, and when deflected cause a lot of damage.

Overall Myztero is just a fun hero to use, gives access to all kinds of ailments which I couldn’t use otherwise (don’t have those heroes) Or even if I have the hero Myztero deflects the ailment to whole team not just 1-3 heroes. Again more fun. The key is to be able to clense those aiments quickly (and Rigard’s HoT is nice too ).


*3 bush bear & kvasir.
*4 Boldtusk & Wilbur
*5 Telluria,Delilla& Guinneverre (hopely someday i’ll have it)until today i don’t have anyone HOTM. :sob:

My is Seshat (+20). The best.

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Hmmm :thinking:

There are several Heroes i really like but i guess the most favorite one is… Grazul with C-Rigard close behind. I am also a big fan of Minions, that’s why i like Red Hood and Delilah.

5* fave- Malosi- shuts down so many specials. Plus I love his attack animation.
4* fave- Guardian Jackal- only 4* that I use on my raid attack teams.Also, my only hero I’ve maxed twice!
3* fave- Bjorn- There are better 3* dark heroes, but I really like him.


Alfreaky is my most fun hero. She got me interested in raiding again

G. Jackal because he can be paired with just about anyone (including himself) and make a dream team

Kvasir, Hisan and … Chicken Little - Have you seen that adorable face!


Alfrike is the most fun hero I have, especially during the current rush tournament where her very slow speed becomes very fast.

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5* - For fun, probably Mother North. Kingston gets honorable mention for being able to pick which enemy gets their attack lowered right before they fire is extremely nice, especially big hitters like Seshat, Joon, Magni, etc. (Wish I had Alfrike!)
4* - Wu and Wilbur, although I use Costume Rigard more than any other 4*
3* - Bjorn, but Costume Renfeld is a ton better than vanilla, so he gets an honorable mention.


Hmmm🤔…hard to say, it depends of who i’m attacking, but one of my fav heroes to use on attack is Margaret, mainly against blue tank, she already saved me many times

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Mitskuo for me, because she’s still the only hero who is strong against two elements.

Wilbur and c-Rigard are the only other ones that comes close to her in usefulness for me.

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I really like using Aegir on offense. People always think of him as just being a tank, but he’s an amazing offensive hero and arguably his best use.

There’s something really satisfying about activating his SS and then launching a cascade and watching a string of green numbers light up the screen for insane healing in the thousands. Not to mention that his spirit link is a lifesaver against s3 hard enemies that have slash attacks that hit for 700+.


For pure joy Guardian Gazelle and Alfrike are probably my top two. Gazelle buff just melts everything and when Alfrike goes off it’s fun to watch.