Who are your "married couples"?

Gazelle - Jackal
Telluria - Zeline
Wilbur - Falcon

Most of all Telluria + Zeline is a wonderful combi. You change even bad board fights into wins…


If they’re Lannisters, did they make Almur? Will he go insane to the point that Clarissa has to poison him? :thinking:

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Wilbur + Wu Kong (or similar) - if Proteus / Hel are also in your team, you can easily finish any Epic / Legendary boss fight by only making a few dragons / diamonds before the final battle begins.

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Just pulled Freya and Noor together…wondering if it’s a sign. They certainly look like a marriage made in heaven on paper!


For me, It’s Boldtusk and Falcon. I like Mitsuko better, but sometimes there’s not a Blue striker. I like Jean Francois better but sometimes there’s Kingston who takes no burn damage. BT & falcon are ALWAYS a good couple.

This may be risqué but I’m going to throw a threesome in the mix

Guardian Falcon, Rock Star Tiburtus and Quintus.

It’s a strange marriage but I don’t judge.

MN / Brynhild is becoming a “thing”, has turned around so many battles in war that I may start raiding with those two joined at the hip.

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I think a few have been mentioned already but…

Frida and Athena
Rigard and tiburtus… both costumed.
Gazelle and ladyW
Hansel and MLF

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I’d throw in Ursena into this mix.

Yes - three is technically not a couple.

But those three together deal a mean damage.

This is an interesting combination. Adding it to my to-try list for when I level up Morgan.

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You’ve got Morgan’s drain with hansel’s mana however you explain it… I just dump tiles into the enemy.

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Killhare or Mok would do even more on top of those two :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a great way to wipe out a cleanser/healer/minion caster :slight_smile:

Yeah! That’s a great way! Thanks for this suggestion.

Oh yes. Didn’t occur to me.

I don’t have Killhare. Ursena is the big hitter in my mono purple. :slightly_smiling_face:


Grave/Mitsuko or also add QoH
Inari/Joon/Joon (as I have 2 Joons on max)
Boldtusk/Wilbur/Falcon (great combo for events and green titan)
and a more interesting 3* one - Kvasir/Gunnar/Belith or Hawkmoon (great combo for 3* rush attack tournaments)

King Arthur and Morgana le Fay.

Guinevere is dead for Arthur, He likes bad girls :wink:


Boril and Brynhild, with Cyprian on the side.

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I searched for Telly/Santa combo and this is one of the only things that popped so i have some questions.

Before i ask i will let you know i have Telly at plus 18 talents and finally pulled my 6th ring and already ascended Santa.

How often do you use the combo? Are they on your defense team? If so whom is your tank and where do you place the other one?

IMO it’s hard to replace Telly as tank even after the adjustment. But not sure if slow speed Santa could be a flank.

Thanks in advance and sorry this is off topic.

Pre-Telluria nerf I experimented with using Santa (unemblemed) as a flank to Telluria + Vela and found him inferior in terms of keeping cups to JF, Marjana, Neith, and Kage in that role. I guess mana speed does make a difference, plus you want hard hitting flanks with Tell to make the most of her delaying tactics.

As an attacker I wouldn’t worry much about Santa and will likely kill Telluria before HE fires given a halfway decent board. Then I’d use my most likely still living cleansers to neutralize Santa.

Edit: Just saw you addressed this to someone else. Please consider it unsolicited input then, LOL.

lol no worries any and all feedback is appreciated!!

They’re in my raid and war defense team and in my attack team for map stages (they’re practically everywhere except for raid attacks where i need a different color set-up, but keep in mind that it’s also because they’re my two best heroes and the only 5* maxed i have with Thorne and Vela). Tell is at +9, Santa at +5.

I have Santa as left flank, Telluria tank and Vela right flank (hoping that the time when Vela will fire after Santa will eventually come during a defense) and they keep me constantly between 2400 and 2500 cups (even when i had Thorne instead of Vela, they kept me around 2400 cups). I can’t compare their effectiveness with other combos, cause i don’t have other combos to try, but it seems someone else already covered that rotfl. I think Santa’s slow mana is the main problem there, but, for what i can see from the records, they still make a hard trio to defeat. Top teams will eventually defeat them, but very often it takes them two or three attempts.

In war, with C. Melendor and Rigard as wings, i can tell they are a nightmare, unless you’re facing top alliances. There are times when i don’t even get attacked, even though there are far stronger defenses in my alliance. And if i get attacked, most of the times it takes them more than 5/6 tries to completely take down the team.

For a mostly f2p player in a very laidback alliance, they work perfectly fine. I would be very curious to test them as double tanks in a 3 - 2 set up.

Just as i said in my other post, that wall of minion combined with mana gen delay, attack and defense down, makes map/event stages both fun and easy. If i ever get to struggle during the mob waves, I fire Santa first and Telluria soon after: you get to clear the level in a matter of seconds while your heroes heal almost fully while protected by the minions. And at the boss stage, just add a random heavy hitter and Wu Kong after that: unless rng is heavily plotting against me, the boss won’t even get to fully charge his mana. Those minions will make half the work by themselves and you’ll need just a couple of shields to hit.
When raiding, i add Boldtusk and Colen or Almur, depending on the enemy defense: if i get just a decent board, it’s 99% of the times a victory (keeping always in mind i’m in the low diamond range)