Which heroes are you working on?(why?)

Obakan cause 16 tabbards and no other purples.
Zocc cause 12 tonics and no greens
BT the 3rd and then dressing him cause no other yada yada
Leonidas the 2nd cause yada and yada and purple tanks still pop up now and then.
No blues cause just finished dressing 3rd max sonya and nothing else.

Late game problems


Constantly changing somewhat for meā€¦

Hmmm let me try to rememberā€¦


Red: Noor
Because 5*ā€¦ I donā€™t have any other 5* reds to work on currently, and I like defying conventional wisdom.

Green: Kadilen (stillā€¦ almost done with her)
Because 5*. Got a lot of other greens to level still, but not enough mats to finish them, so might as well bring her to 4/80 before starting a new green project that Iā€™m not able to finish anyway.

Blue: Jott
Because alternatives are 3* blues or duplicate Richards. Already have a finished Richard.

Yellow: Melia
Because lack of other useful yellows to work on at this time.

Purple: Domitia
Because sheā€™s supposed to be good and Iā€™m looking forward to using her. Certainly canā€™t be any worse than Obakan (who Iā€™ve already finished), right?


She should be better than everyone claimed here. I see her in more than one def team

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Awesome thread, I love lurking the forum and looking at everyones heroes and how we choose prioritise certain heroes over others.

Purple: Quintus. As my only 5* sorcerer Quintus got my most recent set of Tabbards to fill that hole. Proteus #2 is next in line.

Yellow: Drake Fong. The other choices were Roc, Inari, Joon#2 or Vivica#2.

Blue: (C) Kiril#2. Most likely work Jott next as my only other Blue is Thorne.

Green: Zocc. This pull changed who I was going to max, Atmos (3.70) was the previously preferred choice. Other options were Horghall, Margaret, Elekanan or Kadelin.

Red: Guardian Falcon#2. Can always do with a second for War. Kellie will be next over Colen, Sir Lancelot or Shadereve as I have limited Fighter emblems.


Grazul is now at 4/30

Elkanen, Clarissa and Skadi are slowly leveling.

Vivica was stoped in order to leveling Sif my new Valhalla acquisition.

Im working on a second team because there is a point where feeding a 5* with 1* star heroes is not efficent.

So , i feed those 1* star to these guys


Chao because i want him to complete a second or third yellow war team

A second sonya because i want another dispel/cleanse for wars.

Another good recent valhalla acquisition. Good for tournaments and for wars/ raids.

I want another back up red for tournaments and events

Third rigard.
A pseudo 5* healer? Sign me in


I had Malosi number 2 ready to take over the line but after a discussion with the hive mind I was persuaded to swap that for a Joon.

So Iā€™ve started fresh on him.

After that Iā€™m going to hit Rings before Tabbards so probably do Marjana number 2 before Kageburado.

Then since itā€™s probably Tonics next to hit the level itā€™s a quandary. I really like the concept of Zoccā€¦like an upscale Merlin who I get a lot of play out of stillā€¦but I have Heimdall sat at 3-70 and heā€™s a beastā€¦and my only hero with Revive.

So there we go!


I currently am levelling one of each colour. My levelling team is also my farming team, and this group have a nice synergy.
RED - Sumle. Excited to use them for late war mop ups.
BLUE - Grimm. 1st one, was at 3-60 for a while.
YELLOW - Chao. Also 1st one, had been hanging around at 3-60 for some time. Had no one better to feed up, other than a second Malosi, but am hoping for a more exciting legendary yellow sometime in the future.
PURPLE - Ursena. Canā€™t wait to get her finished, though need to find a few tabards from somewhere. Concerned it might be 3-6 months until I doā€¦
GREEN - Grevle. It was either him or Shrubbear, but I am liking his specials v much.

Well, the TC20s over at Casa del Weasel have been hotter than a three-dollar pistol, so I figured it was time for an update.

  • Purple - finished Gafar, but itā€™s looking like heā€™ll need some emblems to boost his survivability if he is to be useful. Might pull them from Boril. Anyway, Quintus is on the ascent. May have to see if new costumes launch in October before I give him tabards, as Iā€™d like to do several costume pulls when the new ones launch, and I can see the purple October HotM being useful.
  • Yellow - Brought Justice to 3^70 this morning and had been preparing to off-color feed yellow until Shiloh in a couple of weeks would give me the darts for either Norns or Leonidas, but last night, TC20 coughed up Joon! So I know where my yellow feeders are going for a while.
  • Blue - still no changes here. Magni is at 4^74, and Raff is waiting patiently for his turn. Only other unique option is Jarvur, and Iā€™m not too impressed with his potential, even if heā€™d be quick to level.
  • Green - TC20 was feeling the green love recently, as Iā€™ve pulled two Liannas and a Kadilen in the last month. Finished Kashrekā€™s costume, and Horghall got to second ascension before the first Lianna showed up, but she has taken over as my green focus, and is within striking distance of getting the tonics. My first green legendary to reach final ascension. Woohoo!
  • Red - Finished Elena, who has surprised me with how good she is. I did actually give blades to Sumitomo, because I believe every hero has a niche. Iā€™m not sure what his is yet, but when I find it, Iā€™ll be ready! :laughing: Only other red options are a couple of dupe Boldtusks (with costume), and I value variety, but a backup BT will be next in red.

And another 3 weeks:

Finished li and LJ, now working on the costumes.

After that, yellow probably start working on Leonidas as first (and so far only) yellow 5*.

Bringing Mok-Arr to 3/70 before deciding on tabards. Then maybe obakan or quintus to 3/70, or 2nd proteus for war and ToL.

No new blues, so second kiril (and then costume) for war-depth. If nothing new, then 2nd sonya, and then maybe Thorne as my only blue 5*? Hope something better comes along before I start on Thorne, as I think heā€™s not that good.

Green, after LJ probably skittle to 4/70 and then her costume.

Red: finished bauchan for the 3* tournament this week (which didnā€™t happen and became a 4*ā€¦), now the final levels of marjana. Next: Scarlett.


Since last we metā€¦ I finished Gafar, Balthazar Costume, Gullinbursti, Mireweave, and got Noor to 3-70.

Now my current projects are as follows:

Seshat! I got my Tabards and ascended her (instead of Clarissa), and while Iā€™m slowly skilling up some other colors with 1* feeders, I gave those off-color 2* to her and sheā€™s already up to 4-77. And I have 452 Ranger emblems waiting for when she hits max. :smiley: Iā€™m really liking her so far, canā€™t wait to emblem her!

Iā€™m also working on a 2nd Balthazar Costume with my 1* Purple feeders, because I donā€™t have much to work with in 3* Purple so I figured making original Balthazar a little stronger from costume bonus was worth doing.

Norns is at 3-32 and will stop at 3-70 for now.

I just got Ariel from this Atlantis, on just 3 pulls! :smiley: So sheā€™s skilling up now and might jump in front of Richard w/Costume and Magni #2 for the next set of telescopes!

I decided to level up Berden w/Costume. I have nothing else to work on here, so Iā€™m just using 1* on him and 2* Green are going to Seshat.

Nothingā€¦ Noor and Elena are sitting at 3-70, I have 9 Ringsā€¦ when I get a 10th Ring, I will probably ascend Noor. I just donā€™t want to be super far away from another set of rings if I should get another Red 5* sometime.

Good gaming!

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Currently working on my Kingston.
Have him at about 3/56 so far. I need 1 more Mysterious Tonic to max him when he is 3/70 though :frowning:

Slowly maxing Kiril + Sir Lancelot too, with 1* I get


Wow, starting to like this thread - just saw where I was 10 days ago, and Iā€™m quite happy with the progress. :muscle:

Chochin and Jarvur finished - turned out, the tourney where I wanted to introduce Chochin will not be held next week.

Heimdall, Gretel and Sumle are getting stronger every day, I expect to finish them in a week. New blue and purple projects are healers: 2nd Rigard for wars, and 1st Kiril - finally a blue healer!

After Heimdall, Iā€™m going with Marjana. Rings are in the pocket, and I want her to replace Kelile in daily raiding when reds are needed.


Wow, so quite a bit has changed in 8 weeksā€¦

Purple - I finished 2nd Rigard and Tibertus along with Renfeld+Costume and Tyrum+Costume. Pulled Alfrike last Valhalla, working on maxing. Currently at 3-25

Yellow - Finished Joon+Costume 10 talents. Finished Wu Kong and Agnes, plus Gretel. Working on Gullinbursti now, currently at 3-21

Blue - Decided to stay with King Arthur over Magni, at 4-80. Got super lucky and pulled Finley, at 3-70 waiting on 2 more scopes. Finally got a Grimm, working on him now at 4-19. Jott is next unless I find scopes first.

Green - Finished Almur at +11. Finished Caedmon+costume. Finished Ratatoskr and Brieeneā€™s costume. Got Tarlak in Atlantis, working on him now, currently at 2-1.

Red - Finished Colen, couldnā€™t make up my mind about PIB or Marjana, so I leveled up Sumle for the same reason I leveled up Colen. Also finally got around to finishing Scarlett. Working on Bauchan now, but Puss in Boots is nextā€¦I think


Itā€™s been awhile, so I figure itā€™s time for an update. The tournament shuffle definitely altered my plans a bit. I was working on 3* purple heros for what should have been a 3* Rush w/no Yellow tournament. Instead, it turned out to be a 4* Buff w/no Blue. Luckily, I was preparing for the Wonderland event starting on Thursday, so I was already working on Red heros for Rare, elite and legendary heros.

The following heros have been maxed:

3* heros - Bjorn
4* heros - Colen, Guardian Falcon, Rigard
5* heros - Poseidon, Kingston, Zimkitha

My updated project list is

  • Yellow 5* - Vivica/cVivica 4* - Gretel (instead of Gullinbursti)
  • Green 5* - Evelyn 4* - Peters
  • Blue 5* - Finley, 4* - Triton
  • Red 5* - Marjana 4* - Kelile
  • Purple 5* - Killhare , 4* - Fura

I put the 1500+ emblems on Zimkitha+19 and pushed Joon to +18. Now, putting all Monk emblems on Wilber+5. Wilber is already helping me to improve my titan scores. I pushed Telluria to +17. Once I get her to +18, Iā€™ll stop and save my Paladin emblems for Frida once I add her to my project list and level her. I also started putting emblems on Kunchen as well. All of these moves are to improve my main defense, war defense, war performance, raid performance and titan scores. I switched my war defense last week to test things out. Trying the following war defense to see how it performs:


Iā€™ll let you know it does. Any thoughts on this are welcomed.

I also started adding emblems to additional 4* heros to improve my titan scores and war performances.

  • Almur to +11
  • Mist to +11
  • Guardian Jackel to +10

Iā€™ll continue to improve my 3* roster for tournaments and events like the Wonderland event this week. Iā€™ll work on these 3* heros - Grevle2, Nordi2, Agnes, Valen, Rudolph, Bauchan and Pixie2.

Side note, I did a rare 30-pull (at least ā€œrareā€ for me) this last Atlantis event, and pulled six 5* heros, Bai Yeong and Mitsuko will soon make my project list! If you havenā€™t seen it, here is the result of the pull:


Good luck all and keep growing! :wink:


Currently Iā€™m leveling Atomos.
My barbarian emblems so far are splitted between Grimm, Azlar and Malosi.

Why Iā€™m doing this? Green war tanks. No Tell no heimdallā€¦


Post-buff, Atmos is a much better 5* Green hero. Razor has ranked him ā€œAā€ in his lasted hero rankings. He has him ranked as a ā€œAā€ on defense as well. See below:

I included a few other popular Green heros that I used as a comparison.

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Updates,ā€¦ about a weekā€¦


JF is ascended so 2* feeder goes to JF, decided because I did not get Mitsuko last Atlantis (about 6xpull coins and 10xpull). 2nd Scarlett almost 3.60, after that maybe continue ascend otherwise leveling 2nd Wilbur or Sudri (Iā€™m not sure if he is good, he is SLOW).
5* at 3.70: Noor and Elena
5* at 1.1: 2nd Noor
Material: 1x Rings


Raffaele is maxxed. Capt D is finished at 3.60, will not ascending him for now, 2nd Triton is at 3.60, currently Iā€™m leveling 3rd Kiril-C, after this, maybe ascend 2nd Triton or Jarvur (Iā€™m not sure if he is good for 3* turney).
5* heroes at 3.70: none
5* heroes at 1.1: Thorne and 2nd Magni
Material: 7x Scopes


Peter is almost at 4.40, will switch 1* feeder to 3* costume like: Berden, Belith, Carver, Ishhtak. And gave 2* feeder to Peter.
5* heroes at 3.70: 2nd Telluria, 2nd Kingston.
5* heroes at 1.x: Lianna, Margaret, Atomos, Kadilen and Zocc
Material: 10x Tonics


Pixie is maxxed, now leveling Agnes and almost maxxed, after this maybe 2nd Mist or 3rd Jackal. I will ascend Onatel if I have mats.
5* heroes at 3.70: Onatel, Malosi, Neith
5* heroes at 1.x: Sir Roostley, 2nd Poseidon, 2nd Joon.
Material: 4x Darts


Renfeld costume is maxxed (Renfeld-N is not maxxed only skill is 8/8), because I donā€™t need Renfeld-N. Cyprian also maxxed, finally. Now leveling 2nd Tibs. 2* feeder goes to Killhare (decided ascend her because of synergy with JF).
5* heroes at 3.70: Clarissa, Sartana
5* heroes at 1.x: Quintus, 2nd Ursena
Material: 2x Tabard


Fourth Obakan.

Iā€™m aiming for an all Obakan defense. That will be the best defense ever since heā€™s the best hero ever.


I want to see that on video :rofl:

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Current projects. Will only be able to take magni to 3.70 for now unfortunately. The one Iā€™m most excited about right now is the Golden Boar :smiley: Canā€™t wait to try with wilbur, wu, and tusk. :smile: